Thursday, March 6, 2014


It is time to get some music and vocals into some of these lyrics.  Maybe I will do the beatbox or whatever it is called.      


You see a rich man
In a nice car
Got a big house
But did he come far?

I see a poor man
still walking miles
got no house
but he is all smiles

We all know people
that are hollow
happy in the middle
Born To Follow

It's all about High, It's all about zero
It's about what people
Don't see or don't know
it's not about privilege
or the money, It's about
time space and belief

It's about High, or it's about low
It is not about a size
It is not about a length
It's seizing an opportunity
and understanding
 a position
of strength

Would you know it?
Would you know it?
When it happened?
If it bit you on the face?

Would you know
the best thing
that ever happened?
The look, the feel, the smell, the taste?

The story of a lifetime
is not about the length

It is about knowing
WHEN you are IN
a position

Thank you for your time
From the blog   What Would This Be Without a Song
written and owned by Mark Burkenbine copyright October 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A World of Author Untimely

On Kindle     A World of Author Untimely: Welcome

For those wondering what to do when you and your wife are in and out of the hospital and not sure how many more lemons life will toss your way....just start writing.

Monday, March 3, 2014

if it can still get worse , you are still alive :)

Good morning everybody. If over the last week or so I missed your calls, emails, texts and such , I apologize.   We just got home from a week in the hospital. Amy had her third surgery on her pump, but this one was to remove it. She had an infection since the last surgery.   They haven't called it MRSA, but it is staph and it is resistant to penicillin.  So...IV antibiotics at home for a few weeks, hope for the best, and continue on with our lives.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.