Saturday, April 23, 2022

Malice at a minimum

 Ah. The life of the contrarian.

I just want to hear a better argument than "because".

I used to do that, also. 

Now I try to ask the questions that draw a bigger picture. 

Solutions that don't account for known or foreseeable issues are worthless.

We should all be able to do that by 18.    I'm a little behind.

Anyhoo...I don't contest something just to contest. I need to see all sides so I can understand why a decision is made.

I'm selfish like that.

My next goal is to decrease my horizons and go into my old age truly not giving a shit about much of anything. 

I think I could be one of the greats at that.

Let me dream.

If I knew everything I didn't,  would I be better off? Or would I be missing everything I used to know that made me Me.

Friday, April 22, 2022

I don't need or deserve a comfy chair

 and I haven't found one, anyway. 

I have unique dimensions and needs. 

Your idea of comfy would probably hurt me. 

I've only had imaging done on my lower back and I'm already heading to talk to a surgeon. 

Wait til they see my whole spine.

 I used to have a neck. 



 Gimme a minute. I'll explain.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

It's right in front of you, all the time.

 The biggest clue that you don't live under "Gods" rules, in "Gods" world is when you see people, everyday, more wor...