Saturday, April 2, 2022


 Don't confuse my ambiguity with my vagaries. (Don't be a moron. This is about various writings.)

Just because something is being done for reasons you cannot determine, or would not do, does not mean there is not method to the madness.

Let me be clear. Vague has no clue. It is a sudden change, out of the blue. Hard to read.

Ambiguity means you have to think about it. You may come to one conclusion, someone else may come to another. Maybe you are both right. Not my decision. Come to your own conclusion, but there is a conclusion to be drawn. I'm not here to win popularity contests. 

In our next class, we will look at the difference between crazy and stupid and how one can be either, or,  both and neither. 

Friday, April 1, 2022

It is impossible to do the same thing twice

That is the only thing that is impossible.

If, by chance, you could do the same thing twice, the odds of getting the same positive result are astronomical. 

The odds of doing the same thing twice and getting another negative result are amazing.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

No New Post Today

 but there are 1000 other ones you probably never read.

I'm sure you have your reasons, but there is no excuse. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 It is of the utmost importance

 that you 


the proper cadence

of my random notions put to print

Once you get your inner narrator to read in proper cadence, you can imagine the background music of the character, and get the mood and tone to fit.



 Trying to force reason on absurdity and thinking you can get away with it. 

See- mankind, science, religion, faith, politics, Mother Nature, economics


 It takes a certain mental acuity to appreciate what I do hear. I'm not saying you have to be highly intelligent to like my content. I am saying very smart people dislike it for entirely different and far more accurate reasons. 

Have a good day. If you can't find a reason to have a good day, invent an imaginary one. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Primum Non Nocere

 A person said

If you take this pill

it will make 

what makes you ill

go away

A month later, the person asked

how are you doing?

I said 

the reason I took the pill

is halfway gone

but there are now

3 other ills 

and the days are not as long

& the respected person in the white coat said

go away, see you in 30 days

but take these pills for the other 3 ills

and it just kept going

til I was just taking a dozen plus pills 


and it never got better

and one day, I thought 

that is it for me. I don't want any of these

Sure, I lived a few more days

but how many were livable days

and that respectable person in the white coat

were they trying to make you better

or sell more pills and treatments

this has gone from bad poetry 

to a bad soliloquy 

To those that question how I feel about "white coats"...

I ask you

How many of them will be at your funeral? 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Some of this shit is just not funny at all.


No matter what has happened, 

or what will happen

consider this

perhaps you ARE living your best life

think about that


just try to be better today

than you were yesterday

better this year, 

better than last year

if you were an ass an hour ago

try to be better an hour from now

just be better 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.