Tuesday, May 27, 2014

live harder

What would life be like If you woke up and treated every day as something new.

Starting from zero...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pick an opening for the blog

--Our Motto: " It could have been worse"

--Be very, very quiet. Can you hear that? It is the sound of the entertainment, slowly surrounding you. SHHH.

--Specializing in Honesty by the crapload...but it's
Sanitized for your protection. Here at the ATB, we believe in good , clean crap.

--All Things Burkenbine is not just a lifestyle choice, it may be genetic. If you enjoy this website, it is because you were born this way.

--All Things....Burkenbine. Mark Burkenbine. Where Humor mingles with paranoia, science fiction, self loathing, whining, truth and sarcasm. I can't believe I have taken a picture of food, on the other hand---nobody cares.

Slogans for sale....our prize slogan is Feelings of Discomfort: Sorry about that Rash.

--Looking for a collaborator to help compose music with these lyrics...

Feel free to comment or review anything on this site. It is what it is.


And so I say excuse me, I'm sorry, I made many mistakes

I will do my best to make a better situation.A better job. A more reliable place.

But I will not lie down in shame because you are upset

Life did not stop because of what you think

And you seem to think I'm running from a debt

I'm running from nothing

Running towards the clock

Five years to do what I can

And then my heart will stop    me    where I stand

Excuse me I'm sorry I made the mistakes

I spent a year by my wifes side

Concerned about which one of us may die

I'm not running from a thing ,you fools

There is no place ,nowhere i can hide

When the clock stops spinning I will die.

Until then I will work my debt and burn the candle from both ends

Do the things I didn't do...help anyone I can...love my wife and kids

And Find out who I really have for friends.

I don't need a god, judge or in law to tell me what I have done wrong

I know my situation and I am changing things as we speak

And while I have lost some things due to consequences of my actions

I knew what I would and could lose

I look at my healthy wife and kids and know I would give up everything again

And I will be rebuilding from beginning to an end

Until the clock stops its spin.

And when my wife and kids smile at me again

Ill know this life is a win

My credit with my wife is a perfect score

Cash only, in life. From now on less is more.

Written and created by Mark Burkenbine May 23 , 2014

Mark Burkenbine Copyright 2014

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.