Saturday, March 27, 2021

Captains Log-health diary

 Pain still in left shoulder, but now right big toe swells up and joins in.  At least this is an old pain. It sucks, but I know what is coming. Probably the whole foot will blow up, and I need to go get a cheap size 12 4E shoe and cut out the toes and wear it with no shoestrings.  I normally wear a size 8. 

Can't use the walker with the shoulder and elbow and wrist iffy...crutch sucks.  May be time for a walking stick. My wife has suggested a motorized scooter. (Not happening, yet.) 

Psoriasis has been unusually subdued, but the layers of skin on my feet that are growing in and falling off is amazing.  I suppose that is psoriasis also. 

Do diets cause flair ups in various arthritic conditions? No need to answer. I will research it myself.  

I have been asked why I don't go to the doctor for all of this?  Because in a stretch like this, I would be there three times a week. Surely, it is the same thing, just moving around. My wife suggests making a list for the doc.

Looking forward to a return to creative writing...perhaps something not as humorous as real life.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Getting Old is Chronic (whiny filler post)

 Haven't posted for awhile. I have been keeping notes, so maybe I will be productive someday. Last few weeks my left shoulder and elbow blew up , (of course it did) so the keyboard is difficult to negotiate. 

Just got back from a big trip to see the family. 

Trying to figure out how to go see my brother, who has now been in the hospital for a month. 

On the plus side, our larger truck cart is here. The old one was breaking down. I can't get groceries and luggage without wheels to get them inside. 

I always say I never do the easy thing, but I realize I need to have the right tools to make carrying things possible.   Now to come up with a ramp for Amy's chair when I load it in the back of the van. 

Walked down the hall today, and suddenly felt like an electric shock in my ankle, and my foot just gave out. I caught myself on the wall.  It was fine a few moments later.   Wife and I talked about it and this is a sporadic thing that has happened, on several joints in my body, over the last ten years.   Wonderful wonderful.  

I have lots of these little things that I call getting old, which is a nice way to say I am not going to be getting better. 

I remember when I would have these bad stretches, but then I would have these amazing days of no pain...I remember that used to happen, but I don't know when it was. 

I would have cheese with my whine, but it is not allowed. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.