Saturday, December 30, 2017

Happy New Years

I have nothing, and it is all mine.

Turns out "my fork broke" also means "we need better silverware" and " I need a knife".   No need to say the last two at all.

Going to be cold tonight.  I turned on the heater for the first time this season, just to make sure it worked.  Then I turned if off.  It was around zero last night, and it was 72 in the apartment. Going to be -5 in the morning, we shall see.

My resolution this year will be to improve on my decisive ambiguity.

If I ever have to have hemorrhoid surgery , I hope I will be able to play the piano afterwards.

Happy New Year from the Burkenbines.  


Hard to believe nobody got me a megaphone for Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

painting darkness

the unknown is a dark canvas
    throw questions at it
til you have an answer
    here and there
like a big etch a sketch
and slowly but surely
a picture will form it again...
 ...never stop...

Mark Burkenbine, 2017

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.