Saturday, November 16, 2019


If by chance, a business named Frankenstines moved locations after years in business,  and a guy named Burkenbine put a hot dog stand in their old building,  and the motto was WE'VE ALWAYS BEEN HERE, would that explain the Mandela effect ?

Rule #1

My whole life I have questioned the notion of a creative writing course.   Why would creative, need instruction ? 

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Immaterial.

Seemingly tedious to some
I slowly craft another brick
for the castle walls
in my minds eye

It costs nothing worth losing
to build with nothing
yet this property appreciates
as a river of consumption runs dry

My brain on coffee

I watched an event giving an update on A.I. , and it was giving samples of how careful you have to be when you create its instructions. It was one of those talks where they try to demonstrate that there is nothing to worry about, it only does what we tell it to, and look at how stupid this thing is. It is only as smart as the programmer.
All I could think was- what if the A.I is so far ahead of you, you just don't get it ? I am familiar with this dynamic. People think I am stupid all the time.
What if the A.I. is just fucking with you?
I just had my first cup of coffee in a long, long time.


C Cooler bag. Ice. bbq pork rhines. Juice. Stool softener. Low sodium soy sauce. Ants let us live because they hope we don't kill everything before we get smart enough to be beneficial to the world. Cheese. PIck up grandkids. Sell bowling balls. So much nonsense I've noticed subtleties between absurdity and the truth. Drier cord and vent. A Ballad of the driver who safely drives for himself and others. Drier sheets.

It's the little things

I know my computer screen is filthy, but I consider it a life enhancement. I just read a twitter grammar nazi post that spelled realized as tealized. I had to scroll to see that it was a large dust speck on top of the R.   Just the brief moment of thinking one of these people had an error make it past their inner editor had me giddy.
I laughed as I deleted my response.

I like the feeling of uncertainty and am looking forward to the next mystery

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.