Saturday, May 18, 2024

Natural instincts...

 The worse the appearance I create

 the more I learn about my superiors

my experts

My betters. 

The way things are worded, as If I didn't understand

the fact that you can hear them talking in the other room

The reason they can talk like that in front of you

as if you weren't there

It's cute, the way they overestimate their superiority. 

Monday, May 13, 2024

Whatever. I'm well past the caring of "my numbers". I'm Long into, helping YOU !

 I like it like this. Maybe it will be a surprise to some, a few generations down the line...maybe not. I hope for our "uniqueness" but who knows how long that survives?   

But as Mister, Master, or as I believe he should, SIR Davies once said, " I'm not like everybody else" !      I think we both mean it, in the best possible way. 

I just write stuff. I meant it, by the way.     So did Mr. Davies, and many others.  

Kinks, young one. Google the Kinks.  And the Animals.   And you will go on a rabbit hole that goes into generations, looking for a sound that you thought was new...Nick Lowe, and Costello can take you down the hole as well....

History is amazing if you don't assume you don't know everything. 

It's right in front of you, all the time.

 The biggest clue that you don't live under "Gods" rules, in "Gods" world is when you see people, everyday, more wor...