A Silent Radio Show created by Mark Burkenbine. Warning: Author suffers from occasional bouts of mental & financially crippling honesty. Dress appropriately & wear the old boots when strolling through this pasture. Copyright Mark Burkenbine 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017,2018.2019,2020,2021, 2022,2023,2024(occasional shared youtube video.I hold no rights unless I created it.) An attempt at the surreal edge of fiction, reality, truth, lies, quality & bullshit. Imagine music playing
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Sour Grapes or Matters of Fact
It is odd, what one takes as a complaint, is merely another's accurate & truthful breakdown of a situation that didn't go his way...
Please forgive my heathen attempts at wordplay
Friday, May 14, 2021
The Most Human Condition
So many arguing
With madness
Madness always means
Someone else
Of course
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Getting Nero and Nero, said In my best Elmer Fudd...
If you listen closely
I swear
you can hear a fiddle
in the distance
but getting closer
Gas stations
with no gas
in rivers
in India
I pulled into a Hardees
during happy hour
for $1 hot ham and cheese
and the sign was gone.
I was just there last week.
back to the news....
If you have groups of people who believe certain things, and a group of people who believe none of it, and the group that believes none of it thinks the believers are brainwashed/controlled, isn't it quaint to believe the nonbelievers haven't just been programmed to be opposition?
Marching to the beat of a different drummer? Or same drummer, different beat, and marching just the same.
Nothing new under this Sun.
As above...
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Doing Nothing
Listening to rain ping the metal roof
Silly thoughts of iambic pentameter
Insert idiomatic expression
Woke at three AM with minor chest pain
Two days in a row it left abruptly
If it was earned pain, I'd be sore
Worst case scenario is possible
Not meaning to be such a gloomy Gus
It's a beautiful Mother's Day
Butterknife in the tub
Better than a toaster in the tub
Floating kneecap is a thing
I'd write it out
But I'd drop the chalk
Raise utilities suddenly.
Get a shot.
Fake meat.
Water rights.
wear a mask.
You can't say that.
I smiled at a video
Of a rottweiler and a toddler
On a trampoline
Pure joy
I also Schadenfreude myself
For my own enjoyment.
It's a good morning.
All the pepperjack is GONE
The sweet spot
There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated. It's perfect.
Last night, I pulled out a Wisdom tooth. Nobody ever thought I made a good decision. What chance do I have now? I feel a little lost tod...
GO OUTSIDE. Breathe Fresh Air. Buy Nothing From Anyone. Enjoy a real day. Not sure if this public service message is for you , or for m...
Surgery postponed due to hopefully minor infection. We are both happy with that decision. (Deep Breath.)