Thursday, March 13, 2014

How may we help you? a business?

How May We Help YOU?
A pay- what -you -can  life concierge service.
Teach a man to fish--Based on the assumption that everyone has something to offer, and everyone needs help with something.  
What do you need?  We can mow a lawn, do yard work, clean gutters, change a light bulb  , move furniture, do your dishes, get your groceries, take your car to the shop, type up a paper, do errands, cook you dinner, walk your animals, shovel your sidewalk or driveway,  take pets to the vet, change your oil, be your virtual assistant, clean your home , clean and wash your car, babysitting,  offer marketing assistance for your business…temp work for short term projects. Drill your bowling ball. Deliver goods and services. Advertise your business, party, event or fundraiser. I can even create slogans and greeting cards for you.
What you do is submit your gopher task request with a good description of the service you need completed , time and date you need it done, and a rough idea of how long the task will take to complete and what you could pay for the service.   We may, in some cases, be willing to barter. If we cannot do the task, we may know someone that will. ( I am not a professional carpenter, plumber, roofer and so on..just a guy willing to help someone out if I can. )

Our qualifications.  Mark and Amy Burkenbine. Mark has lived 46 years on this world and made some good decisions and some bad ones. He has seen some good things and bad things. The verdict is in—It’s better to do something good!    Through the years Mark has been a professional bowler, owned a bowling pro shop, mowed lawns, worked at a bowling center and a convenience store, delivered tuxedos and meat, and spent three years doing quality control field service work for financial institutions. He has also published  content for  his bowling tournament website and personal blog with the goal of being a professional writer and content creator.   After all these years, Mark figures it is best to be himself. His goal is to live and learn all he can, and hopefully be of some help to someone who may be a little overwhelmed or in a time of need.
Amy is 37 years old, and is possibly the most capable person you will ever meet.  She recently finished her B.S in business administration from Columbia College with majors in human resources , accounting, and management.    Possessor  of the most pleasant and professional phone voice you will ever be graced with hearing, and genuinely determined to succeed, Amy runs an office that is accurate and professional while still maintaining a sense of humor and energy.  There really is no stopping Amy, as she recently started driving again also.
There are only limits for those that choose to live in a box.
How can we help you?

Mission Statement.
To find good people who are overwhelmed and help them figure out what they can do to get back on their feet.   Talent is in everyone. Find it and aim it in a fulfilling direction . In our networking efforts, we will do odd jobs for those in need for a negotiated fee, not so much for the money but so people hopefully don’t lose all appreciation for the time of others. Nonprofit is a misleading and dirty word. We are FOR PROFIT, but believe money is the least valuable form of currency.

We would like to work on the “teach a man to fish” principal and provide a network of teachers, tools, advice and apprenticeships to help build and nurture talents and skills so an individual who is down can create his own business or service.   Providing money to someone who can spend it but cannot make it grow or use it to change their situation does not help the future. Talent and skill are tools of hope, and hope changes everything. 

---This is a rough start of a basic mission statement, We figure we should do what we can while we can.    I am sure there are legal issues with some of this, but at some point one should just do what is right.   I don't have much  but I can change a light bulb for one who can't.  It is a start. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Not For Profit.

 If you were going to change your whole life, and start over at zero , what charitable organization or service would you be interested in?   Is there a particular problem or 'cause' that you would try to contribute to the solution?
Do you start your own Not For Profit and throw all the time you have left at helping others and value what you really enjoy?   I am fairly sure I would have been better served living my whole life this way, but I cannot change the past.   

Do you work with a large organization and donate your time and services, or just find a particular cause and do what you can while going it alone?

Do you feed the homeless, house the homeless, find jobs or money for the homeless, or try to find a way to teach a smart struggling individual to use what talents he or she has to build a small business of some sort?  The teach a man to fish way of doing things.  Figure out the skill set and get the man some tools.  

What are the most effective ways to help your fellow man and community?

I think the trick here is what you are 'trying' to do.   'trying' to make a difference. 'trying' to succeed.

Do not 'TRY'.   GETTING IT DONE is the only way to succeed. 

Have a great day, and thank you for your time.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.