Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Great Divide

  What human construct exists that is not based on feeling as if you are better than someone else? 












It is all comparison



So few serve what they claim.

Avoid labels.

Basement tapes

 I always thought it was hilarious 

that after a celebrity artist dies

they release the basement tapes

and the stuff the artist or management 

didn't think was up to standard

and sell it posthumously 

So standards lower

So I figured

Give me scratches, and typos

rough edges

poor production but pure thoughts

that is good enough for me

I don't wear slick production well

I don't think 

that's a bad thing

False Prophets, Real Prophets, & the Glass House of Cards

 Granted, there is not a lot of 

full court vision out there

but I laugh 

at those that think they have it

when they mock those that don't

because clearly


is in abundance

but the all-seeing 

doesn't see 

all courts

at all times

There is more going on

than a little g can admit

In the all of time 

there have been many half 

but never an all wit


 I write -

Because I want to.

Because I need to?

Because I have to.

Because I can. 

You read-


I ask the questions. 

I don't desire your answers.

Not everything written is meant to be read
It was meant to be written

Friday, May 28, 2021

To Be...continued

 If a silent radio show...plugged in...could you tell the difference?

I'm not a sorcerer/king from the old country. We just share a name.

More people need to get out of their fantasy land and get based in reality. Gentrification is raising the taxes on my mindcastle.

I spent a lot of time in Kansas. Now I can't escape. I left, but it's like the border stretches with you. It's an all encompassing entity/dimension that ate you and won't spit you out.

But I wear it well. It flatters my eyes.

I've got this bump on my leg...

Taking this moment for station identification.

People have hinted that I am depressed and see the bad side of things, and that perhaps I am paranoid and a bit of a hypochondriac. 

I've also been told to grow up and take things seriously. I've been told I'm both cheap and frivolous. 

That's why I only take advice from my hemorrhoid. When you have an unhealing,  weeping wound for a year and a half, you listen to what it has to say.

My hemorrhoid says to recognize the good and the bad. To look both in the face, and laugh in a confusing, socially awkward manner.

My hemorrhoid is the bees knees.

Hey...let's say there are creatures from another "dimension" that inhabit our space. We don't see them. They hopefully don't see us. But we all count in a secret population total. 

To drop population, we sync frequency at a point. The interdimensional monsters will see us. 

To provide as diversion, elite people's force the have nots to take a shot that makes us smell and taste like BBQ to interdimensional monsters....or maybe we all smell and taste good and we can get a shot that makes us tasteless, invisible...unnoticed. 

Surprise ending.  It's an absurdist scifi comedy action thriller. 

That's my quick pitch. Bruce Campbell type is the star. 

Sequels? OF COURSE.

It is called

TO BE ....continued

When this is stolen, and it will be,  I at least want some cash and a line saying it is based on the humor of Mark Burkenbine. 

Those dirty predictable Sons a bitches.

I'm either doing my best or I have to read this after I come down from that cup of coffee I had three days ago. WOOOO

My whole life is nothing but net

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Old Soul

 I don't claim to be an all knowing sorcerer or anything

just a person that would never send you down the road I chose

A life coach, if you will... for those that care to listen

Tales of adventure. 

Well earned Tales of woe. 

Sure I ramble 

Kind of a careless but earnest whimsy 

And you may not understand what I'm saying 

But is that really the point ?

I'm planting seeds

In your head

That fertile brain

Health diary

 For a year, I've been dealing with tremendous right knee pain while driving. I now can't drive thirty minutes without a brace.  The brace has been miraculous, but it's losing the magic. Did I mention the kneecap moves, and grinds. 

Today, I felt pressure in the knee, and looked down and saw a decent size, painless, soft bubble on the outer thigh side and outer shin side of knee.

Just age, right? These bumps aren't on the left knee.

I'm sure this is an earned situation.

Wife has informed me I have one in the back of the knee as well.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Change to Subject

I've decided to not handle pressure well least, not as well as I usually do. 


Remember that time reality changed, and you didn't go along for the ride? 

It's peaceful in the eye of the storm. 

Inner Peace. 


Until you have seen a herd of tumbleweeds consume an entire town, as happens often in these parts, and never see any network cover the devastation, you don't understand what real media manipulation is.


If you are playing a game and someone comes up with a maneuver that has never ever been used before, it does not mean the player invented the move. The player saw a move that has always been available.

Apply that to everything.


Out of the box thinking is useless if you don't recognize that by getting out of one box, you have just climbed into the next box. Infinity is a bitch. It just goes on and on, like it has no end.


Funny. Every time the impossible happens, it happens more and more, faster and faster.

I wonder if it works like that if nobody paid any attention?

Just ignore the impossible, and maybe it goes away.

Of course, we would all live short lives, in caves.

Controlled fire was probably impossible. The wheel was impossible. Peace was impossible.

Ok. I'll give you that one.


Pretending to be smarter than I am has always been exhausting. I don't know how most of you do it. In the old days, only the people I knew were aware of my condition and I dreamed of a device that would let me tell the world. Now 6's and 7's of you enable my habit, regularly.

It is quite a step down, really. I knew a lot of people.


Zeroth Principles. Swinging for the fences? No. Hitting a home run while skeet shooting.


Still waiting for some guy to INVENT the best means of space travel, and it turns out to be a surf board, and to his surprise, finds out this concept has existed for years.

He is heartbroken when he hears about the power cosmic.


Wife just asks if I'm ready to go for a walk.

I'm like, I just had a cup of coffee. I can't go out in public like this.

I find it disturbing that predictive text had every word of this except predictive.

It's like the program went "Shit. He's onto us."


We live in an age where all bullshit is incomplete, and it's devastating.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


                                     Simulation. Multidimensional Chess. Pawn moves player?

Write a few thoughts down

but it is just transcription

They float around

a pre existing condition

an all encompassing system

Nothing new under the suns

What I see

isn't what you see

at least not past 

the base technology

Who wrote the code, 

or is it in

self writing mode? 

Are we just avatars

consciousness in multiple dimensions

Some day 

when someone scolds you

and says your mind is undisciplined

wandering, and at what cost? 

you should smile, and mention Tolkien

and mumble proudly

I wander

but am not lost

Sunday, May 23, 2021

And it's gone...

 And it's gone. Not accidental, is it. Some things need typed as you think it...maybe it moves on to the next fool, tool....

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.