Thursday, April 11, 2019


Why go to space when we don't know ( or the government isn't sharing with us) information about our own planet? We have only explored 5% of the ocean, and there is probably another even larger ocean underneath our shell. Our maps misrepresent the size of Africa, Antarctica and who knows what else....and for Pete's sake, we, as humans, can only see .0035 of the light spectrum. What is here, or out there, that we cannot even see, but can see us ?
Again...why are we still putting air in rubber tires but we can clone things,3D print, store information in DNA, and have phones that can do anything a doctor can, and launch things into space?

I would source all this info, but the truth is, nothing has any credibility anymore.

And BOWLING. What the heck is up with that?

Mark Burkenbine

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Of Differing Opinion...

Of differing opinion...
You will never have an argument with someone you respect.
I have never had a conversation with someone who does not respect me.
Leaders --make their decisions and proceed forward with the plan
regardless of the chatter below them, and regardless of the consequences that are already accepted.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Rabbit hole

A friend told me he would like to pick my brain. I asked if he was sure about that. I said a few people have gotten into my head, but they come back different.
It's kind of like Pet Sematary

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.