Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mix it all together, take down the walls, and see what happens.


 Everybody loves puzzles,

but so many think of them
as a game
that comes in a box

but they are everywhere
we can see and beyond
some with keys, clues & so on,
some with chains and locks

Some made by people
some with words
numbers ciphers and moments
some with  pictures and events

Some on a grand scale
that can sweep through
 the everythings
and all the nothings and whispers
& happenstance

The greatest puzzles
 you will ever play
will be the ones you didn't know
 you were a piece of

The puzzles you aren't given the picture of
The puzzles you aren't told the number of pieces of
The puzzles you paint yourself as you meet new people,
read new books, see the world and maybe find what you love

Puzzles that span all of time
Puzzles are poetry that does not have to rhyme
puZzles are people you have met but only think you know
PUzzles are coincidences that do not exist
as you sink into a life that is just another piece
into this giant work of art that your parents worked on,
their parents and your kids kids will or did, to.

Mark Burkenbine


The term 'negative person' often gets used erroneously, and as a smear tactic.  Not believing someone's bullshit doesn't make you a negative person.  It makes you a perceived obstacle to their success. Watch out for 'unprofessional ' and comments undermining your intelligence.   
Mark Burkenbine
-Life Coach-

A thought

 Last night, I pulled out a Wisdom tooth.  Nobody ever thought I made a good decision.  What chance do I have now?  I feel a little lost tod...