Friday, July 18, 2014

New BLOG for Author Untimely series

Author and the Untimely series is now at

as I put together that little world.   Hope you or one of my six fans enjoy it. 

apparently , I need a fan.

A very rich fan.
Everybody wants to be the idol of millions.

I want to entertain a few rich fans that have millions.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Looking for work, or to sell any of my 'creative works'.   What is out there, people? 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Starting to think Natural Selection is being explained to me

Make the most of it. Epic Fail or Huge Success?

Well, here we go again. After a month in a hotel, we are out of funds again.  Back to living in the Scion XB.      Most would think this is an EPIC FAIL, but it has its upside.   Paying for a hotel does not get you into a home or apartment. It is just spending money. It has Air conditioning, but that's about it.

I finally have time to start my video channel/podcast.  'Mark Burkenbine  ON PURPOSE!  --Homeless Adventures'  will soon be a reality, as I try to keep my mind off the real problems.  If you can't find work that suits your family needs....try making some.

There has to be something I can do to make money, and be with my wife.

There isn't another option.      
The Scion XB shown here as the worlds smallest RV.  (unverified statement).

If anyone has access to COROPLAST 10 Mil sheeting, I could do some amazing things with 4-10 4x8 sheets.

I officially started a beg for help campaign on GO Fund ME.  I have never really done anything like this. It is certainly an interesting process, the act of asking strangers for help.  This is the link.  If anyone has any marketing tips, I would certainly appreciate it.   There is no money in either of our families, and I have to get a safe roof over my wife's head so I can get to work.

Also taking work and home business suggestions.

Thank you for your time--Mark Burkenbine

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.