Saturday, February 24, 2024


 One day, the Elders will tell the youth about a place called Internet where you could be anything you wanted. Read or watch any manner of absurdity. A place of learning, fun, & horror. You could go there on a phone, or at home. Then the EMP happened & all we had was each other.

Pest control at its finest.

 The biggest advances in human history have clearly been made in the most important field- the science of bread and circuses. It's not even close.

Thursday, February 22, 2024


 Short post. 

Mockery is something you can do 

but, you have to make decisions

there is a craft to it

How apparent do you want it to be? 

Do you want to blatantly insult someone or thing? 

Or, do you want to go gentle into that good night

and know that someday, maybe decades later, someone will wake up

and realize you got that jab in there, real good. 


Hot Rotel.

 That's my limit.   I don't know what happened in my aging, my health & medications, but FFS, Hot Rotel is now too much for me. 


Downsizing my operation...

 I've decided to never tell anyone what they want to hear. 

This will not be as popular as the type of content the five or six of you have come to love. 

You have been warned. Warned looks a lot like wamed. It is not.  Just a shitty font. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.