Friday, January 6, 2023

Top Movie suggestions...

 I'm an old guy

who has made it to an age

probably nobody thought I would make it to...

( and I'm not that old, but I've seen some things)

So I felt it was time to start pushing my agenda

and make you youngsters think about the good things

you are definitely not going to get

So, here are some movies and some directors...

and I suggest this as an enjoyable and needed education

as life is about to throw you all some shit-

*John Carpenter.   The Thing.   They Live. 

You will live a fuller life if you watch his entire body of work. 

You better want to want to live a fuller life, though. 

Don't discount even one of his works.   Every one has amazing things to add. 

*Stanley Kubrick.  Ditto. Watch them all. Your life will be better for it, if that is what you want.

* Papillon.  1973.   

* Wonder Boys

*Blues Brothers

*Being There    This one always hit close to home for me.

*Charlie and the Chocolate Factory & its unofficial sequel, Snowpiercer. The movie, not the show.


*Dog Soldiers

* MidSommar

* Tremors

* Groundhog Day 

*Animal House  


*Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The Donald Sutherland version.

* Citizen Kane. 

* The Star Chamber

* Manchurian Candidate


# Alice and Wonderland...any version. 

Good day.   This list will get you started.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Nature calls, simply.

 I'm in bed. 

Can't sleep. 

It's pouring rain

And it is noticeably loud,  in a mesmerizing way.

I have no real reason to sleep

At the moment

So I will just enjoy 

The peaceful rain. 

Of course

The trash truck wakes me at 4 am

Sunday, January 1, 2023

At my end...

 With social media.  

You would think, with a diverse group of friends and followers, you could get some help on an issue here and there.   It used to be so.

Not really. 

Welcome, 2023.

 Bring on the mockery, hatred and misunderstanding. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.