Friday, April 11, 2014

The opening of our little show...

Well, here we go. Keep in mind this is a long way to say...we all have problems.

 I am 220 plus posts into this blog. When it started, I had just moved into a nice rural duplex (condo?) with a wonderful view from the back porch of a valley with sunsets that just make you happy to be alive.

Shortly after moving, I fell through a deck at work  and hurt my back and neck  It was bad enough I couldn't drive far for quite awhile. .I am an Independent contractor with no insurance that covered this, so I am out of luck and couldn't move much.    Then, while driving an old Scion XB late at night coming back from work( sometimes you have to work even if you shouldn't),  I ran over a VERY LARGE raccoon that tore apart my radiator, bumper, and various other parts of the car.

 Took awhile to fix that.

We managed to get Amy through her last course to get her degree, got the car equipped with hand controls so she can drive , she got her license... Then the problems began. We got her to the doctor, she had three surgeries to replace her baclofen pump, the last one was to remove the pump because she got a staff infection.         Somewhere in there she made it through her commencement and officially graduated with her class. Finally, some good.

Now here we are, recovering from that      Where does a year go?

Oh yeah....we got married. )
That would be another  good good happening. .   And I also picked up a fancy medical issue myself.

An almost operable thoracic aortic aneurysm.   Doesn't it just roll of the tongue?

Grand total, I think we were pushing 50 or 60 days out of 4 months that we had some medical issue or appointment that needed treatment or diagnosed..

Oh, and our duplex is sold and we have to be out in a couple of weeks. We are looking for a wheelchair accessible travel trailer..........heck who am I kidding. We are looking for a junk trailer or tent so we can work our asses off and live cheap through the summer , so hopefully we can set ourselves up right and never be this broke again.   Finding wheelchair accessible housing that takes pets, that we can afford right now is a challenge. It is all a challenge.

So I am digging through everything I have.  What can I do? What can we sell? Where can we go?  If you run across posts of songs, business plans, and various other oddities.....get used to it.   Embarrassment is finally not an issue for me at all . That ship has sailed and there is just no time left to be embarrassed.

I have a theory.  Everyone has some talents buried in them somewhere. I just don't know what mine are anymore.  I never did.  So I am looking for one that can help my family.  Maybe I am an actor, a singer, a comedian..a writer? Maybe I will deliver pizzas for the rest of my life. We shall see.
  What I want to be is a good family man and provider and hopefully figure out a way to help a few people  less fortunate than I.

I am 46 years old and falling apart. I have watched my wife go through a little bit of hell. could be much worse, I think.      .....I would rather never stop looking for something that could make it better.

  Enjoy all the good in your life. Hug your loved ones and tell them a good joke and make them smile.   Have some cheese to go with my whine.

Thank you for your time, and thank you for visiting  my little research and development department.  This whole adventure is about to really kick into high gear.  When I say high gear, keep in mind I drive a Scion Toaster, and I am a little slow anyway.

Mark Burkenbine.
Catch it on Soundcloud, youtube, twitter, blogger and google plus. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Little Victories

Learning to crawl before learning to walk
learning to let them know before you're gonna go
learning don't touch that ,because it is too hot
learning don't touch those, because you were told NOT

The ABC's , and arithmetic and history
boys and girls, religion and family
Jobs and career, fail and succeed
finding out what worked for you,  may not work for me

Little Victories
strung together
may slowly win a war
but don't get so caught up in battle
that you forget , what you are fighting for

Time slips by when you are having fun
It really flies when you find something, or someone
to take your mind off the facts
that this runaway train has lost the tracks

You spend most of your life being taught and told what to do
and part of your life trying to decide what's right and who was wrong
and part of your life realizing it was all true
you don't know what you've got til it is gone

and your kids grow up and move away
find someone to love and a job that may or may not pay
and they decide you are wrong even though
they may not have heard ALL you have to say

and you go to work and do your best
hope you can be there for them when they are put to test
and you wonder where the time has gone
as Time  lays  your parents, family and friends to rest

Learning, Living Loving and Losing
we all have to deal and find "what works for me?"
I remember being taught how to brush my teeth
to ride a bike, to say thank you
I remember the times mom and dad smiled so proudly

Little Victories
Strung together
Will Slowly Win a War
but don't get so caught up in battle
that you forget what you are fighting for

Created, Written and owned by Mark Burkenbine
Copyright 2014  Mark Burkenbine

 What would this be without a song

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Every now and then...

I get a note or comment from someone that actually likes something I write. I also notice that I lose 'friends' in social media....I would like to thank both sides of the coin for their time.  
Good, bad or otherwise....I look at this blog as if I am just talking to myself, and on occasion someone else hears me.

Sometimes it is good they hear me, sometimes not so good.

Just remember, if you read this.....

I am probably not talking to you. I rarely talk to anyone, so SHHH. Keep it to yourself.

Hmmm.  This probably doesn't help me connect with my fan.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.