Thursday, May 6, 2021

Entropy, in abundance.

 This Blog is I. (Mark Burkenbine)

I identify as a fictional character in Blog. 

Think theatre of the absurd....

The meaning may be everything, or nonexistent

If this is not your cup of tea, piss off

go find something you like. 

In a world of bread and circus, 

 the powerful 

use absurdity as a weapon

Here, it is almost a friend. 

If you do not understand

I probably did it right. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The World has changed.

 Rite d'frintly.


Diseases of despair

xiphoid nucleus

The worst kind of liar

tells you the truth

It makes its presence known

when you, the Avatar, 

show a touch too much


Spirit of your ancestors

Ages ago, I drove through Chicago

bought a bottle of tea,

remembered it didn't pop

when opened

heard about that tea

being recalled

due to poisoning

State sanctioned state 

of consciousness 

7 levels of useless

it doesn't matter how you get there

At a family bbq

a cow got out

after dark

an event ensued

How to leave the internet

like you were never there

How now, Sisyphus?

Bowling, Brew and Blogs
The draft is moving the window blinds in the sitting room, but nothing some new weather stripping wouldn't fix.  It took quite a wind to blow through there like that. I didn't remember a storm being mentioned in the weather report but it is howling pretty strong now. Strong enough to knock a few limbs off the trees.

  It is nice to have something to take my mind off my problems every now and then.  

There is no post virus? We live under fear, as voluntary hostages, in totalitarian lock down forever, and they never even had to call it communism. The Constitution drifts out of memory, as a generation goes by, our rights pissed away
There are days I am so physically and mentally broken down, it is all I can do to write a short post.  

There are days, I wake up at 3 am and just write with abandon. 

There were days, when I was young, I could fill an awfully big notebook in a few days.  

I seek no respect.

That dreaded moment when you realized...

A picture is worth a thousand what

The Ballad of Orange Man Bad...a work in progress

 cancel my subscription

there is a line that got crossed

this ain't no passing fad

tired of manipulation

ever since you lost

orange man bad...

The Ballad 

of Orange Man Bad

to be honest

To be honest....all these people staying at home in our apartment complex is cramping my style. I used to wake up, look out the window, and the parking lot was empty. I could turn up the music, the wife and I could have loud sex and there were no worries. Now the parking lot is full every day....I am hearing things I don't want to hear and it kills the mood. This is an introverts way of saying " Get Off My Metaphorical Lawn". I thought I found a place in the hierarchy that nothing would really mess with my way of life. What a bummer. Are people getting sick?

Subject to interpretation

I have roamed this United States, laying roots and pulling them up several times. Repeatedly defying conventional thought on how our life should be. Spreading Chaos for some, but just trying to survive. I wish the best for all.  I know who I want to be with, and I know where I want to die. I know the music I want to be playing. I know who and what I loved, and who I did not.   And I know what I want to be remembered for.   I know what I did wrong.   I know what I would correct, and what I would not- and what I could not.

I hope, when it is my time to go, I have had the time to process and regurgitate what I see in my mind , so you can see it to.  I like it here, in my mind.  Beautiful place, I promise.

If I knew I had 2 months to live, I would write every breathing moment until the end. The last breath , the last typo. 

Fuck you grammar Natzis.   If you know what the writer means, the communication is made.   Assholes. Only Witches have to have it perfect.

Remember, pushing the enter key is the loudest noise you can possibly make. 

Random Monologue...perhaps a soliloquy ...or maybe just a footnote...isn't this whole thing a soliloquy ?

I know a great deal about me. It took years of study to pull this off. I went through a long stretch where I did not know me at all.

People do not seem to understand this concept. The world would be a better place if more people knew themselves. We seem to allow ourselves to be pigeon holed.  Make a few changes to yourself, and others go nuts.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.