Saturday, August 3, 2019

trials and tribulations

I lost some feeling in my right hand about 4 months ago. So here I am, spinning toilet paper for an hour because I can't find that seam, all because the toilet paper is on the wrong side.

It was bad enough when my son had to open my straw for a smoothie the other day.

It takes all kinds

It takes all kinds.

to have real meaning
It takes all kinds, is more than just an old proverb.
It takes short, to define tall. It takes taller to re-define.
It takes confidence, to fail again. This is how we learn.
It takes bad things to know what good even is, doesn't it?
It takes knowledge of good and bad, to make a shade of grey.
It takes all kinds, to inspire innovation.
It takes all kinds to find average
it takes all kinds to know we are all exceptional
It takes all kinds, to recognize, to educate
it takes personal tragedy , to recognize the beauty in a flaw
it takes all kinds to create character
it takes all kinds to mold a person , and it takes all kinds to strengthen a person
enough to break that mold
It takes love, hate, time,
 accidents, experience,
life and death, knowledge and a lack of it
good, bad and
more and less
fame, famine, prosperity, loss
my point of view, your point of view
freedom and oppression
to foster imagination
to see beyond
It takes all kinds to see that perfection is not defined
that there is more to see beyond sight
Good day, good night

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.