Saturday, October 12, 2013

Inspired Epidemic

Friends, Family....others.

We are gathered today because I want to sound an alarm.  I have discovered the single most destructive force the world has ever seen.  I see many a person winning a court case using this defense.

Yes, I speak of the epidemic levels of inspirational quotes in our lives.

Think about it.

Before 2007, how many inspirational quotes did you read?  Maybe 3 a year? Once a year, by accident in some clever cartoon in the paper ( nobody reads the paper now, that should lead to a reduction in inspiration.)  Once a year, when your kid needs something to dig through a test or trying to win a contest?  and once a year, at some tragic event.

Other than those reasons, you would have had to drive down to a book store and buy a book, or maybe go to a library and copy it down.   That never happened.

In the olden days, only the rich and smart could read or even afford a book. Now, all information is practically free.

The only guys that read inspirational quotes before 2007 were named Knievel. They broke every bone in their bodies by believing they could, even though they researched every stunt they were trying to do.

It made a great show, though.

Suddenly, social media and blogs have them everywhere.  I myself am a victim.

The average computer user is bombarded by what must be thousands of quotes from famous successful people and it is changing the world for the worse.

Self confidence must be at an all time high. You can accomplish this, climb that rubber tree plant, smile through all adversity...

There is inherently  tragic flaw built in this system.

When Edison gave his speeches, it was probably to a much smaller, well vetted group of employees that were expert in their  field. These are  experts needing a little more motivation to get the next invention finished by deadline.  It is not the same as Edison telling little Bobby that he can eat a live snake, with coke and pop rocks ,then jump a car moving 40 mph at him from a standing broad jump -without a scratch- then turn it into a media empire.  

Do not underestimate the power of these quotes.

People rarely know what a good or bad situation is , until it is too late. If you deny this simple truth I will point out a reality.  We have a SELF HELP INDUSTRY. We pay someone else to motivate us to do things that will save or enhance the quality of our lives....but we turn loose INSPIRATION all willy nilly.

Pretty soon there will be class action suits and warning labels on the quotes. Maybe even a government test to prove you can understand that the brilliant person being quoted would probably not have said this 'go get em' speech to someone that wouldn't be able to accomplish it anyway.  It was no different than the crap speak from a boss at a business meeting.  The people he was speaking to were probably trying to keep their eyes open through the boredom, cause they already planned on succeeding to keep their jobs.

It started with those damned legacy memoirs making their bids for spots in history.

Most of those quotes mean " learn everything you can about what you want to do, work tirelessly to become tops in your field, and you may just succeed".  Just jumping off the cliff rarely works out well for the beginning cliff diver.  There are always need to know details to help with success.

I am just a guy that started typing.

Thank you for your time
Mark Burkenbine
Hi. I'm Mark Burkenbine.  Welcome to my self help blog.

I am offering you all the advice you will ever need , and will affirm that advice with numbers I have pulled out of my own ass--  That is right--Just like a real self help guru.

Did you know that 6 ouf of 5 people need a self help guru to show them how to tie their own shoe laces?

Buy my 7 part series on THE TIED SHOE for a mere $99 an episode, or 3 EASY payments of $45 each, per episode.  Additional episodes may be added to the contract. Not available in Canada. Those people know how to tie there shoes.  Deal only available in the United States.

Are you fat, ugly, slow, addicted to food, sex, cigarettes, porn, crazy eyed women,binge shopping,breathing, yellow pencils, or pina colodas?   Give my self help courses a try. Everybody needs to pay for self help or millions of gurus will be out of work.

*Author is completely full of crap, not a real offer or advertisement, but if you are stupid enough to believe this shouldn't you lose your money?

--Mark Burkenbine
Resume addition.

Apprentice Set Down Philosopher-

It is like a stand up comedian, except I set down.
  And there is no crowd.
    And it may be or probably is not funny.
      And I have no mentor so it is not really an apprenticeship.
       And we all know Philosophy means this makes no money,
          but I didn't spend 40 grand for the degree that makes no money.

             hmm. But I have spent 40 years not making any real money.

Crap.  How do I make that play on a resume?

Strong History and Experience dealing with financial turnaround under repeatedly self inflicted adverse conditions.   Survivor of Life?

Do they pay the foot models for the health websites and books...the patients with the athletes foot and psoriasis of the nails?  odd rashes?  What about models for the coffee stained teeth? Hair loss? Weight loss? I could make a great 'before treatment' stand in.

I could be a contender in that field.

Thanks for your time

Mark Burkenbine
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,085,276.   

Yeah Baby.  We Are Number 1,085,276.   What is it the kids say?  

Being an author is everything I imagined it to be. :) Fortunately I have retained my modest lifestyle. Success has not spoiled me yet.  

Friday, October 11, 2013

There is great freedom in being broke and having no audience.  With great freedom comes great power.

When nobody cares what you do or say, one can become quite intoxicated by it.   You can work on new skills, you can learn with very little peer pressure. You can simply get better at anything you want to get better at , while learning what works.

I shall keep trying to resist urges of complete honesty and taper them slightly.

A man in my neighborhood has no more struggles. No more anything. I did not know him well at all, just had a few talks with him. Peace.

I am simply typing out of nervousness. There was a time when I was younger that could easily have been me. Believe it or not, I fully accept my misfortunes and mistakes now. My lot in life is my own and it will be me who turns it around, or not. An incident today has made me look at how close to quitting I once was.

I have seen some dark days a long time ago. I also assume that many have.

Keep fighting. Keep struggling. Enjoy whatever you can enjoy.

Enjoy the responsibilities.  Enjoy the great freedoms and powers.  Laugh at the little things.

Do it all while you can.

Just kinda rambling , as is my specialty.

Love you all, and truly from the bottom of my heart

I thank you for your TIME in your lives that you have given me, the good the bad and the everything.
Thank you for your Grace.
--Mark Burkenbine

I know, I know. All my creditors ask me this question.  There has to be a way. Jeez, I hope it doesn't boil down to having to have talent.

sales and marketing vs. spam. What is art and what is pornographic? What is vulgar and what has taste. Does the pretty girl think you are cute, or think you are creepy.   What is right and what is wrong?    Is the beholder fond of the product, or not?

Speaks the Valley

  Stormy interruptions out of a blue sky.  Goodbye neighbor. I didn't know you well but I enjoyed my few conversations with you. Rest In Peace.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Today, real life drama unfolds. Can we keep it together, and work around the distractions and save the day ? Will the power and water be on as we fight for another day? Tune in daily as I continue to sell pro shop equipment and bowling balls, while trying to work a job that doesn't pay me til next month. 

Does a real man beg for help? forgiveness? 

I personally don't care what a real man would do. My name is Mark..and believe it or not, this is nothing and will somehow work out. Maybe not in time today, but soon. I don't have time for this crap.

Isn't that the trick to life? What you spend your time dealing with. If you lose time worrying about something you will live through, you aren't working on a solution to the problem.

Id rather sell a few things, cut back more, and work more for income that slows and stops the problems.

I am working. I am healthier. I have walked 10 miles in the dark, on a highway ,when the car quit, in 0 degrees. I have slept on the ground. I have slept in a car. ( not proud of the circumstances that got me there, but pretty happy I know how to survive.)

Happy Thursday everybody. Every time you wake up in the morning, you are getting the greatest opportunity you can get.

The future is always brighter than it seems.  

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.