Saturday, August 9, 2014


will it work LIVE?     I am sure it will. I can be just as uninteresting or interesting, just as great or just as bad, working live or just typing on a screen.  What is the difference? I can fail to  get my point across in any medium.

This was never meant to be just a one dimensional act. It has been a play of context while in blog and social media form. Let us see if it can be just as hard to understand in other media.

Isn't everything funnier when it has to be explained?

An artistic struggler.

After all these years , I  realize I often play a caricature of myself in public and on the internet.  'The artist otherwise known as mopey, whiny,and broke'....but truth is I am a pretty happy dude and haven't been depressed in ages. I just publicly assess  my situations in a  straightforward manner and let everyone else define  the context.  This doesn't mean the situation isn't, at times, very serious.

 I have been the struggling artist for so long, I realize I am more of an artistic struggler who is very comfortable in his shoes.

I just look at things a little differently , I guess. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Change a Life 4 better album ish

no music.  some background noise. You , the listener, gets to decide how it sounds. It is just my voice, you can even imagine someone else singing the song.      I give you options.  You can imagine the lyrics anyway you would like.

Jeez. Just know the consequences of your actions.

...just one basic rule. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rude? Crude? change the channel?

Hi. This is one of my last posts on this blog. I would like to thank my supporters. I don't have a lot of hits on this site, but it is almost 20 thousand.  I figure that is six people clicking a lot.   Thank you.  For my detractors, please keep in mind you have other things to do. Life is to short to just waste it complaining about little ole me.  Change the channel. I do.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.