Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Know When

 Woke up a little achy. That went away soon enough, and I started the day. Did a few household tasks. I was a little sharp on a question from my wife. Already outlined many thoughts for a story. Looked at the news. Felt like I was firing on all cylinders. There was more more more to do and I'm going to get it done, dammit.  

It feels good. 

Then I realized I hadn't taken my dozen medications for blood pressure and inflammation.

I miss being a tyrannical nitwit with all the energy and confidence in the world. It beats the hell out of being slow, sleepy, whiny and limited to the point that it doesn't matter how intelligent I actually am, there is no way out of a know when situation. 


It's all a carnival of distraction. A Rube Goldberg machine. When most realize this, they want things to simplify...but when the carnival stops, it's  the simplest game of all. Live or die. 

Those that lived the hardest life, might enjoy the modern carnival. 

Be careful what you wish for. A hunger for greener grass may lead you to slaughter.

You have to be able to imagine yourself in someone else's shoes.  


As always, this is here for those interested. (They do exist).  If you are not one of them, why are you wasting your time? 


They keep saying Twitter is not a real place. Perhaps it is more real than the real we think we know.

To trend on twitter, you just need a well placed typo. Most of the world will understand the message, while a few control freaks will draw attention to themselves and their need to feel better than you. It's brilliant. Those in the know do it alllll the time


That's enough for today.

Monday, December 13, 2021

The most intriguing thing...

 is one side of a conversation. 

No context. 

I don't mean two people having a one sided conversation. 

Just ignore one side, type the other, leave it alone. 


Maybe it is not everybody's cup of tea.

At least, not how I have presented it.

But this thing exists.

A thought

 Last night, I pulled out a Wisdom tooth.  Nobody ever thought I made a good decision.  What chance do I have now?  I feel a little lost tod...