Saturday, June 12, 2021

New Post W/ Some Rehashed Content

 Constant Pain will get people to do some bonkers shit, eventually. 

Constant is a manipulative fuck that is used to getting its own way.

When it leaves, that person is left with picking up the pieces

A life torn asunder.

The threat always remains, the point driven in

that Constant will be back, anytime it feels like. 

Like it never left.

Sleep while you can.

Conflicted Agent of Reason


Capriciously vengeful spirit of overplayed subtlety.

Building on a property somewhere between the profane, & the profound. 

 I'm NOT the ancient sorcerer/King

Weaponized absurdity doesn't care what side of an argument you are on. It gets everybody in the end.

Hold the door for anyone approaching it.

Shovel snow for those that shouldn't. 

Strong wills will carry burdens their backs cannot. Whenever possible, offer help to those in need.

 I told my wife to buy towels

she asked if we had the money

I said I may never have F you money

but most of the time I have "go dry off properly" money

Get some new towels. 

Repeats, mostly.  I have so much of a back catalog of good stuff and complete shit that I can't tell which is which.  Much of it unread or unpublished. I may need help from THE PERMANENT RECORD.

Get off my ass. I woke up at 4 am again. 

I wanted to be a darkly humorous absurdist but it is getting hard to top whoever is writing this life thing. I may never get a sketch on this show.

Every once in a while, I remember when I was sure I was a decent person. Let me tell you, at least in my case, I was a dick. Life has a way of taking the conceited piss out of you. Even the worst of us was good to someone, at some point in time...and the worst of us is pretty bad. Monstrous. I was definitely not the worst, but damn I am still pretty disappointed in my lapses of judgement. MY WORST. At the same time...My Best isn't THE BEST, but it's where it should be. I just hope to be more like that..

I always thought the most dangerous were the nameless, faceless ones

(On becoming corporate serfs) I thought we already were. You realize poverty is too big to fail because every dime and every food stamp government gives to the poor goes back to those corporations.

The web is weaved well. It is not ALL bad. That is the tricky part.

There are way too many tiers of the problem of institutionalization for any one solution. Revolution, in and of itself, does not fix the problems.

It MIGHT, at least temporarily, change the beneficiaries of corruption.

Pressure makes me type, even if it hurts. Fortunately, I don't say anything that could potentially make things WORSE for me....BAHAHAHA. Fortunately, I can edit.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Across The Board...

 A younger man

with an older soul

says cause of the problem 

is baby boomers

 never let go

more and more people

went to school

to learn from the wise

took entry level positions

---to move up the ladder

only to feel like a fool

when to their surprise

25 years later

they were replaced 

----by anything that was faster

CEOs and Senators

 became kings for life

Our professors and leaders 

never retire

while students went into debt

wages stagnant 

and rarely climbed higher

at the end of every day

THE Crooked old wise men 

----are always the master

That is what our institutions  

now call

-----Happily Ever After

Thursday, June 10, 2021


Running in reverse. 

You've probably never seen someone use confidence in their own ineptitude as a superpower.  

 Purpose. We all serve our purpose...

We all get to where we are going.

No walking today. Dishes to do.

Nevermind. Dishes already done.

It's rare to find a movie that's better than a critical drinker movie review 

By definition, being inconsiderate isn't on purpose.

Cortisol.   Ages 

Prednisone.  enrages 

Alpha. Omega. 

Kingdom come.

It's a comedy

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Shocking admission to gain Credibility or sink farther down the hierarchy

 I could be wrong about everything.

So could you.

Right. Wrong. Grey area

More Gray than not.

There are levels of absurdity that are so unfathomable,

it looks like reality

or vise versa. 

We all serve our purpose. 

We all get to where we are going. 

But I am just a narrator in a silent radio show. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Feeling is Mutual. Updated. updated again. and again. I'm not even capitolizing and yes I know it is spelled wrong. That was the point. Live a little.

There has never ever been a shortage of smart guys/people who know they are right. There has also never ever been a shortage of not so smart guys/people who know they are right. I'm not so sure about either.


An a/c repairman parked his large truck next to our wheelchair accessible spot. Another one was available, but it is used often. I asked the repairman if he needed our space to get his work done, or can we park there. He said we can park.

A few minutes later, he said thank you. He has never been asked if he had enough room for his job. I could only say Thank YOU...

The world is full of simple appreciation if you give it and don't expect it back.


A dozen times or so in my life a cashier at a liquor store has asked me about my day and I said " My day has been great. I swear, it's like this alcohol is addictive or something. Do I have a need to worry?." I say thank you. Good day. There's no reply....

I also like to look them in the eye and tell them this is cheaper and works better than the prescriptions. Which is true.


The other day I was walking on a trail, and two old ladies were coming from the other way. I was kind of hoping they would mug me, so I had that story to tell.


As the svelte ninja of Exercise In Futility descends from the heavens to remind me I'm not counting my steps regularly...

The E.I.F is like the green lantern core of shit that seems proper and right but useless and a waste of time but you try to do it well for no reason.


Going to be a need for forensic accountants soon....


Problems exist before you notice them. You just walk into the situation. Just like numbers existed before math...or the math wouldn't work. Somewhere off in the land of abstract concepts...

Which brings me to free will. If there is no free will, are suicides actually a murder by design ? With no free will, who put that thought in your head? The narrator between your ears may not be your friend. Someone ok'd that thought.

It's almost like we can be killed off like...characters in a story.

No, I am not contemplating suicide. I am contemplating the operating system of life.


Tact only works with people who employ the same skill.


I knew the jig was up when I walked into a bowling tournament and someone yelled "Hey everybody. 1998 is here."

I thought it was hilarious, but to be honest, I was at least somewhat decent in 2012.


Wife says to turn right on Firth in 4 miles. I say " If I see thecond, have I gone too far? "

I thought it was funny.

We are lost now, but I love this woman.


I just did a practice bowling shot in the mirror and threw the imaginary ball behind me.


Gas has gone up, but that is ok.

We will teleport or astral project to the grandkids birthday parties.

No carbon footprint.

I feel for those of limited means.


As dreams are taken away, they will be sold back.


Half of these are probably reruns.


I am soooo tired of Big Shoestring trying to run my life. 'Your shoe is untied' and all that constant peer pressure. "Gotta be TWO loops, man"

It has been that way since I was 4 or something.


Because it needs repeating...

Social Media is performance art for those that don't leave the house. I am a Caucasian Social Recluse. Often found in cardboard boxes, attics and under beds and dark, dry, low traffic places. The social recluse rarely bites unless provoked. Seek medical attention if bitten.


I've always wanted to be a writing amalgamation of Milne, Bukowski, Dennis DeYoung, Martin Mull and myself.

By God, I think I have it pulled off. I may have to rephrase that.

Put this under 'Careful What You Wish For.'

This is how I cleverly blame others for my own shortcomings


I've got the beginnings of another flare starting. Sudden exhaustion and a nap. Itchy skin. Rash intensifying. Hands curling up and so on...    All I did was walk a few days in a row. But I have to walk when I can cause ...well fuck. Movement leads to can't move. Non movement leads to can't move. It is a no win situation that I have to prolong as long as possible, right?   Nobody gets out of here alive. 

I can't move well when I wake up. I force the walks, and I can't move well afterwards, or I can't move at all.  But my love for fresh air and nature keeps me moving. Hearing kids laughing in a park keeps me moving. Sunlight...It is worth a possible flare up, I just can't do the laps I used to. 


Monday, June 7, 2021

 I think I just became a science project. 

Who am I kidding ?

I remember...

Politics of Social Engineering

 THEY left US out here with THEM.


Mentally and physically

Through Media and institutions 



And slowly move a population to its predesignated mindset and habitat. Move so slowly it seems like their idea.

Quite the machine when you glimpse the cogs and wheels.

Beautiful architecture.

The orchestra is magnificent.

A World Of

 Insight is something you either don't have, don't want or can't fucking shut off. Those without it don't want to hear it. Those with it learn to value solitude or die thinking they can help someone who doesn't want it.

Something like that.

The world is full of people who want to help. 

It's even fuller of people who demand to help. 

It's bursting with people who can't help.

There's a good number of people who need it, but don't see the need and don't want it.

There's a few that won't. Help, that is.

In a world of hurt, 

Even help can hurt. 

Dust from whence we came

Alive to feel everything 

To enjoy and respect the beauty & the pain 

You are in a story

Turn the page again and again 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Putting on Airs

Despite a subtle nature
Being too good to ignore 
does not mean anyone likes me.
Ah. Sweet toxicity.

I still love a good typo. 
It makes so many happy to point it out. 
You need it more than me.

That moment you realize 
There's nobody left to talk to
Unless you say what they want to hear 
Guess it's always been that way

To be continued 

It's all my fault 
But we all know that
That's not what this is about 

Nothing messes with a story more than everyday life.
People. Other people. Not yoooou.

To be continued 

I know I treat my reader badly. I'm not like the other writers.
I don't value an audience.

I don't value an audience.

I value intuition. 
Your brain is a construction zone.

I'm building a world here.

That's right. Highbrow shit with an appearance of low brow aptitude. 

It's a living work.

To be continued 

Bon Appetite

Doing nothing is expensive 

Life is a no win situation 

In a world that serves us all shit sandwiches 

You do have the right to demand  

that the bun be toasted

 and your choice of fresh condiments 

Of course, cheese, bacon and extra ketchup will cost you 


 A smell of slightly burnt popcorn.

Hermes Trismegistus...

Thoth. Ah. Knowledge with a smile

It bothers me greatly that a hardee's closed, sending those who lived off the happy hour dollar hot ham & cheese to arbys for 5 for 10 roast beef. W no cheese. That's some serious economics.


The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.