Saturday, August 7, 2021

Not on command...

 I can't give a one word answer to the question " What is your current pain level?"

There are multiple factors involved. It's a sliding scale. I'm not trying to be difficult and I could make the same accusation. 

And that sums up my lifetime experience with others.

Mumble mumble mumble 

One and two don't exist for people my age who lived life..nine and ten would kill me, literally, so they don't exist...making 3 to 6 the new scale in my head, which would need to be translated to your 1 to 10 scale. But it varies moment to moment...


Wheel of fortune comes on at 4

And yes I know the math is wrong 

It's time to change the name of this blog again

 Too many people casually reading what was meant to be writ, not read. 

They haven't found the more important blogs or the soundcloud or the YouTube...fascinating. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 " I can't". 

Going to be a weird day (added addendum, epilogue or whatever...what you call it probably depends on what you think this gargantuan thing that is hidden in blog form actually is)


For starters, I saw the most interesting question.

How far are you from where you were born? 

I immediately thought, that even if I was visiting, it's at least six feet, because Mom passed away a long time ago.


Just saw an internist. Best medical experience of my life. Not sure if I've ever heard laughter in a doctors office before, or been told a story like I would tell.

Never once did I feel like I should have left a message with a loved one  saying I did not kill myself. This is a major improvement. 

Now to refresh my memory of Dog Day Afternoon. I think I saw it when I was 12. 


 Next Day

Woke up feeling like somebody hit my knees with a hammer.

Then I remembered somebody DID.

Can't believe I need to recover from an examination, but I feel like I was run over by a bus. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

It takes all kinds 4

 Someone has to fight

Someone has to quit

Someone has to not care

Someone has to give a shit

Someone has to die

So someone can live 

Someone has to live

So someone can die

Someone has to hold their emotions 

Someone has to cry

Someone has to leave problems behind 

Someone is a problem 

and has to leave

Some stay no matter what

Some suffer loss

Some are rewarded


Monday, August 2, 2021


 At my best, I am an irritating midwit who is trying to acquire the knowledge to hold a nuanced debate with people I am sure I will loathe, as opposed to a chat with folks who already detest my very existence.  

I have to up my game to give these fine people a break. They've earned it. 

...just a small mind trying to see a broader view


Sunday, August 1, 2021


 control freaks

can't live with 'em

where would we be without them

some say we would be at each others throats


that we need control

we need and want to be steered

corralled, if need be

but it starts to sound like someone

justifying their actions

thou doth protest too much, methinks

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.