Thursday, August 18, 2016


one good way of recognizing the success of a program, is to criticize it and see how many people on the wrong end of the program stand up and fight for the very thing that hurts them.

Monday, August 15, 2016


I have read varied accounts that DaDa and Surrealism were invented because War did not deserve real beauty, and that it was actually a Psy-Op and so on.   I have always preferred well as various types of performance art and outside of the box comedy and writing.  Things that make me think.     Does this mean that I have been influenced by a Psy-Op to become a weapon of  Classical Arts demise?  (could just be crap internet conspiracy rabbit holes that I fell into.  It happens from time to time...)

Shit.  I feel so used.  

Are we just made up of whatever someone wants to pound into our young, easy to influence heads, or can we break these molds?  

I don't know where it came from.   Absolutely nobody in my family shares my tastes or judgments.

And I like that. 

Hidden in the Obvious

 Absolutely nothing I say or do is meaningful to anyone else until someone decides it is.  I exercise this daily. Try it.