Saturday, July 10, 2021

it takes all kinds 2

 Parody satire troll 

Caricature of one's self

Oil water

Sugar salt 

Mirrors always show

Who is at fault 

One person's sweet words or moment or candied delicacy 

Is another person's 

Toxic memory event atrocity 

One person's normal is another person's abhorrent 

Diametrically opposed 


live and let live

sanctimonious vs acrimonious 

Only technology changes. 

We remain the same.

 The art of dehumanization is a long game hidden by a facade of good intentions. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

looking down the road...

Thinking of suing over the Olde Loki story but found it was created before I was born.

My entire life may be copyright infringement.

let me make that more poetic.

thinking of suing

over the olde loki story

but found it was created

before i was borne

my entire life

the air i breathe

the feelings i have felt

may be

copyright infringement


in its purpose

though it be

but you will all get yours

soon enough

they can't all

be winners

Put your hand up if you were supposed to save the world today, but slept in?

 These things happen...


Thursday, July 8, 2021


 at the moment

my mind is completely devoid

of subjects 

that I can speak freely about

not because of censorship

 per se 

just the personal boundaries

 one sets

which is odd

 for someone

that many have said

 has no filter

you have heard that

people who live

in glass houses

shouldn't throw stones

I disagree

the glass house

is transparent

and it is a noble move

to point out

to the high and mighty

that you can see through them

as well

in an age 

where eye and ear

are everywhere

raise the bar

of your own perception

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

social media roundup

  I'm here to apply for the nonexistent poet laureate/ retrobate position( kicks trashcan as he walks out of room. Blames interview process /system for not understanding people like him...builds mindcastle in his own happy world where bowling doesn't exist.)

da do deeee ugh Now I'm just somebody that used to bowl da do deee ugh

Isn't that how all ambassadors have always been picked?

Probably as close to truth as anything else

Italian sculptor sells statue of nothing for 18k. Florida artist threatens to sue because he did nothing first.
I have to be in that Italian courtroom. It's like the dream I never had.
Weaponized absurdity is going nuclear.

8 more premade vegetarian meals for the freezer. Beans, burger, bacon and onion. All my favorite vegetables.

Once every few months, I enjoy a couple of the family delicacy...the bacon, tomato,peanut butter, miracle whip on toast. Don't knock it til you try it. The secret is a flavorful, acidic tomato. As a side dish, I have a handful of meds that don't taste so well and cause more trouble than they are worth. Mmmm

I love it when old bands suddenly have an unofficial Facebook page clearly run by youngsters that post the photo of the wrong band. Some people 50 to 70 still have a memory, g'dmit

Monday, July 5, 2021

I think it is wrong that I can track my recent psoriatic arthritis flares thru comic book cable tv show schedules

 Incoherent babble


...kicks at imaginary cat

...misses and stumbles to awkward recovery 

...did the world end again?

...looks out window


the visual is inconclusive. 

The end is not describable.

consummate dilettante

 I am half tempted

 to give proper context 

of all this

to someone

but then others

may enjoy it


and then some 

will feel the need

to offer their

unsolicited opinion

of my expression

unsolicited opinion

is too big to fail

you can't fight it

it's the strongest manifestation

 of the internet era

so like what i do

or not

like me

or not

i don't care

or maybe

 i am deeply afraid

of rejection

lol. i'm old. 

i'm broken. 

i don't think that's it at all

wait til this is put to music

maybe this is the longest

rock opera

in history

or a surrealist film

or a radio show with 10 years of scripts

or it is silent

until you, dear reader

make it dance in your head for awhile

to be continued...

hey guys

remember to like and punch that subscribe button

to be continued

there is no such thing as artificial intelligence

you either have it

or you don't

to be continued

if you look around

you can find other smart shit

i posted on the internet

in between tales of woe 


and complete bullshit

and sometimes

between typos

those are my favorite

there is compelling fiction

but i think highly of myself

except when  i don't

to be continued

compelling fiction

Sunday, July 4, 2021

feels like winning ,but losing again

 went for walk, big toe doth protesteth too much 


here is to perceived freedoms


there is no sense in squashing hope. Hope keeps you right where you are. it gets you to do all the things you don't want to.

squashing ambition...that's where the money is. 


to be continued......

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.