Friday, July 29, 2022

Life Goals

 Working on my second day in a row without taking a nap. 

Yesterday was brutal at times, but I made it. 

I'm still not sure it was worth the effort. 

Ed. Note- Made it three days without a nap. Did more this week than I have in a few years. In the end, the only thing I have gained is a nagging case of exhaustion. That shit will kill you. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

A Summary Called Entirety

 Next year, I will have completed ten years of the writing and aggregating of content on the various blogs and social media.  I believe it would take someone more than ten years to read. 9 years in, I am calling it Mission Accomplished.

The late Norm Macdonald had an observation that his Great Grandfather had one photograph of himself...

I only regret not posting daily video of doing the dishes and laundry, but I think you can tell the thought was there. 

Eyes without a face


The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.