Friday, September 2, 2022

Monsters, Grizzled Wizards, and fewer formerly happy folks

 Once upon a time,

 in a beautiful place of sunshine and happiness

 that was full of smiling, kind and helpful folks,

a grizzled wizard appeared out of nowhere. 

He told the people they have a problem. 

There is a monster coming. You can't stop it. 

The smiling, kind and helpful folks gasped. 

The Grizzled Wizard told them he can help, 

but even the formerly smiling folks knew 

this was going to cost them everything.

They paid The Grizzled Wizards shakedown price,

 then he told them the solution.

"This monster thinks you folks taste like chicken. 

I can cast a spell that will make half of you invisible.

Make your choice. Pick your side."

With fee collected and spell cast, The Grizzled Wizard bid the formerly smiling and now not so happy, helpful, or kind folks-"adieu".  He traveled on to his next destination.  

The Monster immediately appeared and ate all the invisible folks like popcorn chicken. You see, the visible folks did taste like chicken, but The Monster doesn't like plain chicken. The Grizzled Wizard did make half the people invisible, but they smelled and tasted like BBQ chicken. 

BBQ chicken is The Monsters favorite meal in the entire realm. He can follow that smell anywhere. 

Were The Monster and the Grizzled Wizard working together? Or, did the Grizzled Wizard figure out a way to save half the people?

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.