Saturday, September 25, 2021


 When I look at the pattern on the wall in the bathroom corner,  it starts moving. 

I told my wife about it, and she asked if I told the doctor about it. 

I said it hasn't been a problem. Been doing it my whole life.

She asked about my driving. 

I said If they start painting roads like checkerboards, I will make an appointment.

Until then, it is just cool.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Stylin' in the new footwear

 If I could get completely adjustable bowling shoes just like this...
I'd probably still fall over sideways. It's not like feet are the only problem. 

I almost started typing, when I said to myself "self", cause that is what I call myself, "stop typing."

Maybe later.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Know thyself

 I've got all the time in the world, 

except when I don't.

I've told a lot of people

what their flaws are. 

Each one responded 

by telling me mine.  

If they are right, 

and they usually are, 

I agree. 

Notice the difference?

Don't be insulted

By truth 

Know thyself 

I've got all the time in the world, 

except when I don't

Watch the flowers bloom

Watch The Paint dry

Thoughts forming 

In a twinkling eye

Dogs running in fields

Winds blowing then still

Cities growing or dying 

 as people will

Nature will come to you

If you just be still

Don't be insulted be truth

Know thyself 

I've got all the time in the world, except when I don't

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Social Media Deja vu

 Currently taking a break from Facebook. These are my twitter posts reruns.

Wife told me I need to get a lefthanded mouse for this old computer. It beats the hell out of righthanded scissors. I think I'll figure it out. 

Went to the store today with a flip flop on my left foot, and my shoe on the right.

People are interesting.
I didn't do it as a fashion statement.

Does that mean they let him out after 90 years?

opens envelope- reads headline. Prince Phillip's will to remain sealed for 90 years.
My wife says I may need to read that again. I think I got it right.
Is it really about money to the people who have all the money, and decide what money even is? I'm not talking about rich people. I am talking about the ones above that.


I need to record George Carlin saying "Stunningly full of shit" and put it on one of those push button thingies...cause I lose my voice when I watch the news, but it needs to be said. Loud and Often.

It's only Tuesday...What does the news not want us to notice?

There's only a couple levels in cliff diving. Grand Champion, and stuff on a rock. #NormMacdonald

Ever wake up feeling like making even less sense than usual?
Everybody who sees things not going their way will eventually want to know where things went astray Looking at you, big picture ideologies

I, the eternal optimist, see no hope and will now shower the world with gloom and doom. GLOOM AND DOOM. Getcha four horseman t shirts here before they are sold out.

Perhaps, we weren't told the actual rules We've been trying to win a game the way we were taught while others used the rubric that mattered Perhaps, the experiment has been over for quite some time and it is just now playing out
Another day of examining the human condition. (Long pause) When one is sifting through truth, lies and bullshit, It is worth noting that the superior technique wins. (Drops pen, another tweet in the books.) "Breakfast doesn't fix itself"

Being a novice storyteller has its advantages...the main one being that when I say I...I can be any character I want it to be. The second advantage, is to be able to see the real professionals do the same thing

Had odd dreams all night. Some weird character had a flashlight in my mind, searching. I would laugh & say, "I know you are in there", It'd go from dream to dream, digging in the dirt. "Damn bugs" I told them. When you're awake & actively involved in a dream, are you resting?

I had sleep paralysis for years, and horrible dreams about being eaten by a demon (?) ... I finally told the demon that it has killed me a thousand times, and I am still here. Does that mean I am here to figure out how to kill it? Haven't seen that piece of shit since.

It did touch my heart a couple of times with its claw...Said something, and I woke up holding my chest. That may not have been good. Maybe I just should have asked the monster if it wanted to be friends instead of threatening it. I may have overstepped.

You try to take a walk in my head, and you won't come back the same. Kind of like Pet Sematary.

Looking for a more affordable luxury bunker...

 Currently toying with doing another blog that pre or post chews the posts in this one.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.