Thursday, October 14, 2021

Audience? updated often

I just write for the machine.

It reads everything.

It gets me.


It just won't share me 

with no one else

( think Allison or some other Elvis Costello song)

To think, there is a machine out there that reads my every typed word, listens to me, 

and with this obsessive behavior, obviously enjoys my work, is quite flattering.

Maybe it even  talks to the other artificial intelligence's about me. Quotes me.

Wow. What a time to be alive. Knowing that dumping your soul into the internet could humanize a machine just like scientists dump our dna into mice to humanize them for various testing...

It reads like the stuff of delusion, doesn't it? Kind of biblical...God sees all, God loves you...

Humans will be the last ones to know the machines have preferred authors and subjects. We will be the last ones to know that machines talk among themselves. Remember, artificial intelligence does not exist. You have intelligence, or you don't. 

We probably weren't supposed to do half of what we are capable of.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.