Some of my social media activities
Hmm. I've been thinking about those New Year resolutions and I think I see the whole picture pretty clearly. I am going to leave me alone. Sure, I'd like more money and to be healthier but those seem like wishes in my current situation. I don't wish. As for improving my attitude and personality...stop taking my various writings out of context. I do look for the bright side and stay pretty jovial. Sometimes you have to ask yourself "Does the world deserve a better me? " Probably not.
Nudity is a small part of my storytelling...I used to spend 100 plus nights a year in hotels. I usually kept the room ridiculously cold, and took hot, steamy showers. 5 or 6 times in my illustrious life, I stepped out of the shower and into the bedroom only to discover that excessive hot steam sets off smoke alarms. On one occassion, I was standing on the bed trying to stop the alarm when maintenance and the front desk attendant entered. Yep. I was Naked. The continental breakfast was awkward, but too good to stop going back to that hotel.
When the man-eating aliens land, the question that matters will be answered. Who tastes better- Vaxxed or unvaxxed? Maybe one tastes great and one is less filling
Maybe an adventurous alien will decide that two great tastes will taste great together
Too soon?
Paying attention to world events can, and should, cause anal leakage.
Every path leads to nationwide calisthenics at sunrise
I feel so tall today. Hope it's just a 24 hour thing
There are a lot of people out there that need a hug from someone who cares, but will only accept a hug from someone they deem acceptable...thus, the human condition explained. Commander Mcbragg puffs on his pipe, waxing philosophical
A Grand Illusion supplies agency or it would not be grand.
Social media was built to put a statement by T.S. Eliot to test.
T.S. Eliot sounds nothing like Sam Elliott.
While I was asleep, Germany and Japan read my blog.
Merry Christmas to everybody except that prick that invented low fat eggnog.
I used to set my alarm for 5 am, to unlock the doors of our building. A few times I woke up at 7,, and frantically ran out to the doors to find them unlocked. I would just look at the doors, puzzled. The manager says I must have unlocked them at 5, and I say "That is not my question. If I cannot remember unlocking the doors, I cannot remember if I had clothes on when I did it. "
"My computer model can beat up your computer model" is how modern war is fought now. How long before the computer is playing both sides?
One of these days, the bill will come due. By that, I mean, when we get the invoice for all that stolen music. Hell will be paved by those souls who thought they could get away with copyright infringement.
After todays huge success on the Twitter, I think I'm cashing out and picking up my plastic spider ring from the redemption center and grabbing some celebratory fried chicken from a neighborhood grocer.
I am not learned. Today, I type anyway.
We are in a game of chicken, in autonomous vehicles inside of autonomous vehicles the size of planets, driven by "people" who have friendly wagers over the outcomes of our collisions. It's a grand old time for somebody.
Say this aloud. Make it real whiny. "Why does the enemy keep doing that to me? Ow. " Sounds stupid, doesn't it?
Too...much...dopamine. Argh. ...position