Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Negative Positive Statements

"You can't change things you can't control." - The Ones Trying To Be In Control.

"You can't fight city hall".  -  City Hall

"We can do whatever we want".-  Progressive thought. We doesn't mean you.

"WE are losing control of OUR democracy."- Politicians (puppets of wealth and corporation). We and our means THEM. Voters think they are included in the statement. They are not.    People, politicians say the truth all the time. We just misinterpret the double meaning.

"We can take this bold step forward, despite the risks to all of you." --Scientists, funded by the Ones Trying To Be In Control.

Can't you feel it?

 The stench of incremental change is palpable lately.

When everything is appearing to be moving too fast, 

exponential- by your perceptions...

Pay close attention to things that don't appear to be changing, but are. 

Little manipulations to foundations.

Important things.

Those slow changes are designed to be permanent.

It's almost like those ridiculously noticeable things are supposed to be the shiny objects you keep your eyes on, while the magician plays the trick. 

I know this is obvious to some.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.