Monday, August 1, 2022

Absurdity for the good

 Spent a few hours of the afternoon on a video call trying to get my Grandkids to plant an egg in the ground to grow a chicken tree.  I asked them to video it...but no such luck. 

I told them if they plant the whole carton, one day they'd have a chicken orchard. They humored me with one. 

I told them they'd have a tree in 6 months with chickens to pick, and my daughter reminded me that's February. I said she had no experience with chicken trees and who am I to question nature.

They even put rocks around it so nobody would step on it...and drew an arrow with chalk and explained the situation.  

Kids are great. I don't think any of them believe in chicken trees, but they still enjoyed the silliness and humoured an old man that loves them. 

That is the definition of priceless. 

I have to be honest. 

I needed that. 

Love those kids. 

You don't want to have to do this again.

 Most people are going to be pissed when they find out that ALL of my blog and social media posts are going to be required reading/understan...