Saturday, October 11, 2014

One of these days ...

Marching to the beat of a different drummer.

extraordinary circumstances do not always require extraordinary measures, but they do always demand a different way of thinking. .

I can't do what you do. You can't do what i can do.   AND neither of us wants to.        Let us leave it at that. 

Recent youtube videos

They call me...unemployable

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I hit a button on the computer, and I think I am a college freshman...?     It has only been 30 we go.

Bowling centers...

What bowling centers have live bands , or shows?    I am looking to start booking 'gigs' for a podcast and live show. Yes. I am a bowler and may try to work this in with local tournaments.

Mark Burkenbine   

when you have extra time, you could be doing extra

Happily Unemployable #3

"I would like to go back to how things used to be"  ...that place doesn't exist. It is like Atlantis or Camelot.   We want to believe that it is there, and maybe, just maybe, it was there once....

External Editor

When one has a sense of humor that bounces from Dr. Seuss to Hitler, one can get into trouble quick. I go from rated G funny haha to burn him & his offspring at the stake in unfathomable leaps and bounds. I have no internal editor.   I should start a fundraiser for people with no internal editors. --Look at Mark. This poor Schmo doesn't seem to be aware that the things he is saying, while funny to at least himself, is alienating to his friends and audience.  He doesn't care, he is just talking out his ass all the time.  -- but with an expensive outpatient operation, we can have a port to hook up the NEW External editor, complete with tech support.  If you have trouble with your new External Editor, you call up tech and explain the situation, and they will patch you through to a Live Life Skills Editor to try to get you through the situation.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.