Monday, October 21, 2013

 I would like to thank everyone involved with this giant project that is many things to me.  Now I get to make some sense of it all and start something else.    I miss added, with the other 15 pages that are in the ATB, I am well over 10,000 hits.  woohoo.   party?  nah.
  This is the opening to the ATB book.

   A good day to you.    Thank you for stopping by and taking a look inside my world.  This is my first published work, but far from my last.

     All Things Burkenbine...Mark Burkenbine is my attempt at a conceptual blogging network.  Pieces of me blowing across the internet in twenty blogs and social networking with sometimes just a string holding it together.
     Believe it or not, this is just the start of this concept and my little production company.   Every blog involved is a stand alone project , with a few more coming. I hope you enjoy watching the stories grow as other media is brought into the fold.

My own opinions are everywhere in here. I hope you find at least a few interesting, or funny.

Wear the old boots when walking in this pasture. There is a whole lot of me out there. Beware the fragmented sentence....I use it with reckless abandon.

Swing for the fences. Blog to win.

Thank you for your time

Mark Burkenbine
Just 1300 more page views and I retire the All Things Burkenbine monster and move on to the next adventure.  Woohoo. 10,000 hits .

Hopefully I can hold off the pitchfork and torch wielding townsfolk until then.

When I quit this blog is it traditional to leave it up or take it down?
Hello all. How much is hernia surgery and how long is recovery?   Just a question to the world in general.
How is your day going? How was dinner?  Mine is good.   I am almost to my goal of buying no bowling balls for a year. Old habits die hard but I am beating my addiction with the help of alcohol and blogging.   The hernia is a plus, also.    Find those positives :) I love social media.

The beauty of having no audience is freedom.   Wouldn't it be just awful to have a huge paying audience that wanted results?   The stress must be overwhelming..

Thank you fr your time. Sleep tight. We here at the ATB care about you,the audience.  
Hello again.  I have been searching high and low for a community I can join, and to feel a part of. One that I don't feel like an outsider, because I am , well...I am different than the others.

I have not found that place. Yet. Maybe that is what I am building here. My legacy. A friendly place for the odd and misguided.

Perhaps I am an  island after all.   Welcome to my  Island of misfit bloggers:The ATB Community of likened mind individuals.

First, let us play a game called find the Spelling and punctuation errors.Report each one in the comments. Person who gets the most errors is the honorary unpaid editer of this mess called All Things Burkenbine.     I will not fix broken sentences.

Anybody want to be in the All Things Burkenbine Fan Club?  That seems to be a burden and a curse only those marked from birth should share, but if you want a fan club, here you go.

Don't forget my shameless begging for someone to turn in a Wikipedia entry for me , Mark Burkenbine,
Remember my campaign slogan.
Mark Burkenbine. Put me in Wikipedia. I've got BIG TWITS: Make me one of the 140 characters of your life.
You would think one of those debt collectors could make this happen.

Am I the only one who has ever tried to use debt collectors as part of my marketing campaign? You would think I could get them to unite and round me up some customers.

Have a great day, and thank you for your time.
Hugo the Agnostic Cowboy and  his compatriot, the Atheist Heinrich.
Each episode our two hero's discuss the difference between being Agnostic and Atheist.   Hugo speaks in a very distinct ,male German- ish dialect known all through the land as "I will rule the world speak". Heinrich speech will vary. It could be no accent at all and be American female. Many episodes will have Hugo refer to Heinrich as a typical male Atheist, to which Heinrich will reply with american female voice, "God Dammit I am not an atheist.".  Heinrich then replies, "tsk tsk. You Atheists don't believe in anything. "

In every episode,there is a scene where Heinrich and Hugo are setting in a bar. Hugo is always in those assless chaps , cowboy boots, shirt and hat.  Heinrich is always asking" is this where a burly popular country singer from Oklahoma beats us soundly like we enjoy so much? Please?  " 

At the end of every Episode, Heinrich is in bed, in the dark and you hear Heinrich say to Hugo questioningly (Hugo is in another room--they are just compatriots, after all)  
" Hugo, are the professional bowlers ok?"
Hugo replies " I am sure they are fine.
 Heinrich " They are soo strong. They deserve to make more money"
Hugo" If you say so. Goodnight."

The hit comedy-musical cartoon comic book live radio show' Hugo, the Agnostic Cowboy' coming to a theater near you.

Thank you for your time

Mark Burkenbine
Put me on Wikipedia
Big Twits: Make me one of the 140 characters of your life
Employed.  but-Working a job you don't like at all and doesn't pay well.  Positive--Employed and consistently paid.  Negative--The greatest mousetrap ever built. Perpepuated on and on by a herd of people who believe that you can't actually do better.  It just is what it is. It is almost a cult.  Reality- Nobody is secure with a job.  You can only be secure with your belief in your abilities and that is what careers are made of.    Find a career and mold it as you see it. Jobs mold you. Accept Jobs as a means of getting you somewhere you want to go, like a bus ride. Do not do the ones that take you nowhere unless you are satisfied with that.

Employment advice from the under employed

Mark Burkenbine
Will you make a Wikipedia entry for me?
Big Twits. Make me one of the 140 characters of your life.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.