Thursday, September 22, 2022


 One of these days

We are all going to be gathered

Around our barrel fires

While we are picked off

One by one

By the mutated monsters 

Created by viruses and nuclear war

And we are going to remember 

How great it was

To type stupid shit on the internet 

Whenever we wanted.

Yeah. I already miss it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Have a great October.

 This was supposed to be a much longer title. I was just saying, I will probably not be blogging much. Take care.  This month or so is about family. 

I have left you the bread crumbs

so you know 

who inspired me, 

and who I followed.

It may take you a lifetime

and you still may not know

...for sure

Good fortune

and all my love 

be with you. 

I have never sought 

the easy path

I care about my missteps

There is always a price to pay

When your path has been chosen for you

and you go

 off road, 

so to speak. 

I know 

this is not 

perfect "english". 

BooGAAAhhh.        ( I loved wkrp in Cincinatti) . 

The sounds of silent ...humidity

 Oh FUDGE PUCKETS!  It's  hospital season again!

Normal stuff. Wife needs a new spinal catheter from her baclofen pump.    Just hope for the best, and no infections, and it will be fine.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.