Monday, August 19, 2024

Every second of my life has been a multi-faceted teachable moment. You're welcome.


 To say I bowled a lot in my life is like saying I drove a few miles. 

Let's just say I bowled as much and drove as much as anyone. 

There are folks that can verify that. 

What maybe a few know, is I didn't see the lane the same way as everybody else. 

Up until my 40's, it was always an abstract chess board. Not arrows and dots and boards.

The hooking spots and the not hooking spots were odd shaped squares/rectangles, and I saw the colors. 

Dark shapes didn't hook. Light shapes did.   Then I would try to shape the ball however that shape looked to me to make it work.   The ball slowed down on the light shaped squares, it did not on the dark. 

I won a lot of tournaments, I lost in a lot of tournaments.  But I won a lot of tournaments or finished well at the end, playing shots that were shaped a weeeeee bit different than everybody else. Communication with other players was difficult, to say the least. 

When my health went from bad to worse, I also couldn't see the lane that way anymore. I lost the vision. This wasn't my imagination, I literally saw with my own two eyes how to do it, then I couldn't. I know how to technically do things like everyone else, but it felt like a part of me died.   

I'm not saying I always executed properly what I saw, but when I did, it was beautiful.  Everyone should have the feeling of "doing it wrong" and winning by a lot. 

 I still have it in other areas of life, just not bowling.   

I've lived my entire life in this manner.   Good, bad or otherwise. ( and it shows)

To me, everything is art. Navigating on a changing landscape. Chaos to those wanting structure, I suppose. 

Surfing. Finding the shape that works. 


 When I was a child, I spent a lot of time enjoying listening to stories and random shit from crazy old men, and wanting to be like that when I grew up.

DREAMS DO COME TRUE/Careful what you wish for. Then social media happened. The End.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Deeeeelux apartment in the sky...yyyy ...yyyy

 There are things out there on the internet that scream that I could be on the bottom end of the top tier entertainment echelon. To be fair, I'm pretty good if I want to be, which I don't.   

    Movin' on up as society crashes to the Depths.  

Not looking forward to that, just letting you know.   That's where we are at. 

Where does it fall to after me? 

They will nail me to a cross, if I cut loose. 

The standard has been established. 

I'm not saying I'm Christ. 

There were a lot of people crucified. 

They do it different these days. 

It's right in front of you, all the time.

 The biggest clue that you don't live under "Gods" rules, in "Gods" world is when you see people, everyday, more wor...