Friday, April 23, 2021

Nicht Gut

 Got 4 days of short walks out of the ankle/ five not so good.  The more I walk, the more edema and arthritis pain. 

I'm not on crutches or the walker yet, but feels like heel is worn down and I am walking on the outside of my foot whether I want to or not. 

Don't get me started on my hips, knees, back or my vision. 

Does this feel like a comic strip about a cat yet? 

(lasagna is in the oven)

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 The opposite of Occam is sometimes 

a magnum opus of true. 

There is time you can't get back

There are things you can't wash off

chasing redemption

You call it Ragnarok,

 I call it computer simulation.  

Events aren't story.  

Aren't they? 

Keep your mind on here and now

just keep your mind on

Too much Time to understand? 

It's only Monday

If you believe it is. 

Time is a self inflicted wound. 

Disability is a legal term

Moving forward while watching our back

Moving forward

being moved like chess pieces

by players on the outside looking in

we are avatars

can't the avatars move the players?

questioning weaponized absurdity

only makes it stronger


quality of life

a man's just got to live

long enough

Trade off...

wound that never heals

war stories...

better than I was

Pocket reality

play the charade

a life of being told

facts not facts

noticing things 

putting it together

watching it unravel

chasing a ball of string

noticing things I wasn't supposed to

writing a book 

that wants a better reader

time suck

shame on me

for acquiring just enough education

and experience

to know better

I'm a bit mouthy 

for a guy that's put on his own socks

6 times in 4 months

I leave the conversation

to see who follows

0 fucks given

I marvel 

at the passionless delivery

of frantic statement

The endless soliloquy

---Mark Burkenbine 2021

better than I was

It's A Walk In The Park...

 A rare occasion has occurred. Yesterday, I went for a walk without a pronounced limp, walker, or crutch, and today I am typing while using both hands. I still have a multitude of  issues and pains, but at the moment, I can actually use all the various attachments I was born with to a certain degree of *functional mediocrity. 

For that, I am graced with freezing temperatures and snow in mid April.  Why so many must suffer because of my good fortune, I do not know. 

*Grading functionality is kept at a very low bar around here, and is subject to change at a moments notice. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.