Saturday, November 25, 2023

Searching for my best hour...but an hour of what? This will change often

 I will add to this as I see fit.

  I have never wanted to be more than that old man that was ignored, but said important things hidden within stories and puzzles and actions that made no sense at the time...

From where I see it, EVERYTHING in this place works exactly as it was meant to. That is both a compliment and a condemnation of the creator. (It's OK. Creators can handle criticism. It's part of the job, and those critics are also part of the project).


Perhaps, tomorrow I will save the world by telling someone young it's their job.


I will never forget that day I found out Peanut Butter was not actually good for you. Betrayal. Middle age has been rough.


I was sent to Dillons to broker a transaction for 'Turkey Necks' this morning. My instructions were to go to the back, and ask THE GUY if the Turkey Necks are in. If he says yes, push this button on this trac phone ( a burner? I presume)

tell me the price, and I will tell you the quantity. I freaked and blew the deal, when I am almost to the back, and a lady asks if she can help. I say Turkey Necks, and she says, Turkey what? and goes to the back and yells Turkey Necks?

and I hear a yell from A guy (not THE GUY) who yells Turkey WHAT? The kibosh was put on this deal early. I should have only spoken to THE GUY. Supposedly, this is about broth.


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Dream a little dream with me

 I had a dream about an odd conversation I actually had at a gas station on an odd adventure to New York that really happened and the dream and the actual trip were very much like a story I would write if I were to describe my entire life. Potholes, dead stops on the highway of life, maintenance, bad expensive pizza, a meaningless but meaningful award, good company, secret agent man, failing but winning because we made it back alive, embarrassment and vomit.

Anyway, I see it as a conversation that I am supposed to remember. It was unlike any other I've ever had. The dream was a reminder.

A thought

 Last night, I pulled out a Wisdom tooth.  Nobody ever thought I made a good decision.  What chance do I have now?  I feel a little lost tod...