Friday, July 16, 2021

No post Friday

 I looked outside and couldn't see the vehicle.

It's gonna be OK, fearless  reader. 

On my way to the car wash to clean leaves and sawdust off the vehicle, I stopped at a dollar store to buy something and get cash back for the wash. The lady rings  me up and I am punching in my card info, and I see her reach around the covid glass with my 2 liter  bottles my head, I'm thinking " yep, this is happening" as I watch them tumble to the ground and roll forever as I complete my transaction and burst into maniacal laughter, as did another guy in line.  I wasn't  laughing at the cashier, just the situation.  These things follow me. I told the cashier, who kept apologizing, that it's fine. They could've exploded and soaked everybody and everything.  No problems. 

Jeez. I woke up with a tree on my car.         It's all good.

Whoever reads this....laugh at the near miss. 

The punches land often enough.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

edit free blogging

 woke up at 4 30.

hand and arm have that old familiar feeling

i'd say it's like an electrical burn

but it's more like my skin

is eating me

the sores pop up b4 your eyes

so i'm listening to Townes Van Zandt

because it's as close to God 

as i'll ever get

preparing for the next flare

the next body part that won't work for a month or two

or more

or is it forever  

this time

be your best you

the sooner the better

figuring out when you will peak

is like assuming there will always be good weather

debt i can't pay

friends have passed away

games i loved but cannot play

kids and grandkids

will only have stories of my yesterday

i used to make up songs

on the fly

for Evan and Lilly

it was like that doors song

riders on the storm

bottom of the bag

bottom of the bag

there's another fry in the bottom of the bag

bottom of the bag

and it became

taking Lilly home

taking lilly home

stopping at the sign

turn signals on turning right

driving lilly home

next thing i knew 

they were singing with me

and zach used to hide in clothes racks at stores

but i would do that mission impossible thing

do do do do      do do do do   do do dodo

and he would go   eeeeaaaaaoooo  from under the rack and i would find him

my daughter just looked at me like i was was an endearing quality, as well. she wasn't wrong. 

be your best you

the sooner the better

figuring out when you will peak

is like assuming there will always be good weather

debt i can't pay

friends have passed away

games i loved but cannot play

kids and grandkids

will only have stories of my yesterday

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Wouldn't it be funny if ..

 wouldn't it be funny if...

Aliens landed, and observed the same laws...

The body IS the machine for... time travel, if you will

This is a simulation, but not only that, some guy named Ahriman has a ridiculous high score

there is nothing bad or good to eat, no medicine to help. Most of us are just slowly frying from constant  radiowave/microwave radiation bombardment and will soon be the primordial soup of choice for life to begin anew. 

to be continued

insects decided they've had enough and they won't take it anymore

a doctor, a rabbi, and a lawyer rolled into a bar on wheelchairs. The bartender says " you may not appreciate our kind of humor, and I apologize "

Life was about the notes you aren't playing

Playing the Fool

 Was it Plato that said wise men speak when they have something to say? 

That's not what this is. 

Some plans changed. Some remain the same.

I feel like I am going to fall asleep at 3 30 pm.

never a good sign

Monday, July 12, 2021

I try to tend this garden daily

 As I age , I realize if I were able, I would be in the garden often. When I was younger, I would question why someone would retire and create a fulltime job of yardwork. I get it now. Instead, I tend to my mind and walk when I can. Have a good day.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

expanding the continuum

 There are days I find it difficult to bullshit myself. Don't get me wrong. I am a supremely confident pompous ass, so I will find a way to get it done. #JustALittleWorried

working on the cumulative body of work and not caring at all about a singular result...coming to you LIVE from the island of misfit's your host
-Mark Burkenbine

Just saw the question 'who would you bring back to life?' And all I can think of is...define life?

over the years, i have written some decent stuff on facebook on july 11.

How long is armageddon? Prepping meals for the freezer.

I respectfully disagree. Pants can be quite difficult and I have never heard of those catsup people being broken of the habit. It's going to take a 12 step program.

That's where all the great battles are won.

Ssshhh. That's not supposed to be common knowledge.

too soon?

I don't know anyone who won't get it for political reasons.

I'm trying to do for Social Media what Tom Waits did for Optometry and Lawn Mowers.

tp...towels...laundry soap...dishsoap....bleach....tooth paste....plates....shampoo....alcohol....peroxide....

always searching for ways to express the real functioning of thought-Breton


another punctuation free post

it is my way of saying i do not approve

of what is none of your business

 it should not matter to anyone else

just saying

all caps or bold print is not my style

italics have a special place in my heart

but i have outgrown that passing phase

they are just not cold enough to convey the emptiness

everybody has their way

and that makes me smile

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.