Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I love the spring. 30 degree mornings, with afternoons in the 60s. Just the right amount of chill to properly enjoy my strong black coffee and my peanut butter toast. Two things the doctor says I can't have. Which makes it even better, on the perfect morning. Almost decadent. So I doodle as I think about the current life situation. About three months ago, I started doing Quality Control inspections again, just low paying independent contractor stuff. I did it just to make myself move more. I had been napping more and more since the heart issue and the medications and feeling like I was losing this life thing. I need to be able to drive again, to be able to bowl like I used to. I need some semblance of good health. Wait, do you hear that?
Nothing. This story needs a maraca. Maybe some rice in a dish will do.....yes that is nice. Now a little tapping for percussion. Shake and tap. It is a little jazzy now. Continuous loop in the background..... Ok. Back to the story.
So, anyway, I plan on living a long , full life. I think the key to that is don't stop moving. Now I guess I need an income....
Which takes me back to the work I have been doing. I don't make anything off it. It pays for the trips. I have literally just been driving my wheels off to get me ready for the travel involved in bowling tournaments. It seems like everything I am interested in doing does not involve the security of knowing when or how much I will get paid. It is all based on performance. I like it like that, but bill collectors are very risk adverse. But who hires a guy like me? I loudly speak out against job interviews, for Pete's sake. I think the employer knows who they are looking for and should go get them, instead of making all those people jump through hoops for nothing.
It seems my way of thinking is considered deviant or something. Eh. That works for me. I will continue to sort out this meaning of life thing in my own way, like everybody else. Chow, baby. ( and percussion fades out...maybe kind of like the Stones, sympathy for the Devil....real catchy , that one...)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Crop Insurance

always interesting to see what the locals do for crop insurance

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.