Saturday, August 3, 2013

Goood afternoon. Well, It's been at least four hours since this blog has been up and running. Its been a few days since I lost my second to last contract for work and I decided to be a professional writer. C'mon people. I thought surely i'd have a 250K signed development deal for content with Youtube, Paramount,HarperCollins, Disney,EIB, NPR or Prairie Home Companion by now. You people are missing the boat. I COULD BE- a ONE man MULTI media TOP QUALITY content MACHINE your advertisers would learn to love.... No? It's not that simple? hmmm....We shall see. I can afford to persevere doing this through the afternoon and maybe til Monday. Then I have to go fill out applications at the fast food places so I can try to get my kid through college....after I pay all these bills, of course. Thank you for your time.Keep living the dream ---Mark Burkenbine

Me, INC.

Narcissistic personality disorder---Defined by wikipedia-Falling in love with yourself. Excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy,power,prestige,and vanity. 1% of population estimated to be afflicted. (1% ? aren't these the SUCCESSFUL people?). First formulated in 1968 (the year I was formulated). Used to be called Megalomania, is severe egocentrism.

 Is this real? Or, is it a term the HERD calls the ones that try to leave it? Don't you need to be narcissistic to believe you can do better than most? Just a little? Isn't success for yourself what you need to have to support a family, retire,pay lots of taxes and help those in need? Isn't this how self confidence is viewed from the point of view of the have-not-but-want-to be's? I believe I am the CEO of ME, Incorporated. Is that narcissism?

 I have full responsibility for my actions. When this ship is sinking, I have to right it, or drown. We are all independent contractors, whether we work for someone else or not. We are our own boss, all the time. We decide who we contract(work) for and the terms involved. As head of ME, INC. , It's a lifetime position. I control my own valuations as perceived by others based on my own actions. My growth and development. My financial outlook. My risks. My schedule. My repercussions. When I am in a downward spiral, my stock will rise when I make proper decisions. I.I.I. Me.Me.Me.

 Isn't it strange that 1% of the population is deemed having this disorder, and the top 1% of earners is constantly under attack by have-nots? I am a have-not based on income, which is based on my own past indiscretion and failure. I sure have plenty of ambition to be a rich,self-made,responsible,accountable,narcissistic 1 percenter.

 How may I help you? I am Mark Burkenbine, and of course, I love me.
Utopia- is of, or relating to, a perfect or ideal existence;an idealistic social reformer.- defined by When I see or hear anything relating to "Utopia", my experience says manipulation is in motion. If you call something as you see it , you can be accused of bitching and whining. Complaining but not offering solutions to the issue. If you offer solutions that make sense & the talk shuts down.You get the old " you can't be taken seriously with your 'utopian views' ". This has actually happened to me. I was flabbergasted. No argument about my solutions to the issue--but, my solutions involved an institution that the arguer was employed in. Its amazing how quickly an idea gets shut down when it involves your own job. Nobody votes to lose there job even if it shouldn't exist. Institution definition--Something that thinks of its will to be "etched in stone" and even GOD cannot change how it operates.--It will do what it wants because it cant be stopped. Commonly answers questions with "go away" and "call security". (That's how I define it, anyway.) Another one turned in. Hope you enjoyed it, cause you can't get this time back. --Mark Burkenbine
Corporate and personal corruption. Term limits. Lack of diversity in represented opinion. We have many issues with our national level system of government. We also have many processes that work better than any system ever created. From my view of this, it appears most issues are byproducts of the actual election process. Its to easy to influence candidates. Many government positions are practically entry level positions to various media and corporate opportunities. What if the candidate selection process were suddenly a civil service lottery? All eligible candidates would now be in the shuffle. If chosen , you have no salary, you get a stipend for food and various needs, your bills and debts are frozen for the term served. No campaign promises. No re elections. No multiple terms. Granted, people will find a way to corrupt it, sooner or later. Its what we do. But something has to be done. This systems septic tank is full. Nothing good seems to be coming from it least not for voters. A candidate lottery suddenly gives more diversification to the House and Senate. Unbought opinions with no campaign promises to keep. Just honest feelings of a duty to uphold. Bring back the dignity to these offices that long ago lost the respect of the people. All things considered, The United States of America still has the greatest, fairest system out there. Man just always finds a way to manipulate and get around it. Its natural. That's how we survive as a species. That's also why some processes eventually have to change, to reincorporate integrity. I am aware you cant change an institution, and I would like to note that I love this country and its government. Have a good day, and again, thank your for your time --Mark Burkenbine
Too fast for existing conditions. That's a term used for issuing a ticket for driving, say, 70 MPH on an ice covered road. The officer is so happy you are still alive and he doesn't have to call your next of kin,that he issues you this ticket. It's a life lesson. The proper response is a simple thank you, not getting upset over the ticket. After years of silly mistakes, and taking the real life version of a wrong turn out of Albuquerque, we should begin to catch on. Perfect Speed is when you have time for something good to happen, after things have gone all wrong. Life conditions get a little slippery .... you have to get a little lucky to not slide off the road, so you know the next time you need to be moving a touch slower.

Finally , Movement...

Goooood Morning everybody.

I originally was going to call this blog Pen to Rest. Maybe id pick up hits from mistypes of and hope thousands of people would be happy with there mistake. Then I found out there was a song of the same title. So here we are...

 The other reason for Pen to rest, was to tie in with a ritual I have. Every night and morning I tend to write something down. Writing is kind of a laxative of the brain for me, and apparently I share this affliction with hundreds of thousands of other bloggers. The people of the world have obviously been suffering from a form of Mental Constipation for centuries. Type in BLOG on your search bar and google with explode with all the listings.

 Blog hosting is where the money must be.

So many have the mental constipation that Bloghosting sites have acted as a mental toilet for the brain. A place where we can put this crap so we can sleep soundly. This is a blog, which means I did not research just how many bloggers there are. Based on the Google search explosion I witnessed,its maybe a million plus.( 180 Million blogs and growing)  -Which means the blogging septic tank will begin to leak as it reaches critical mass. The blog hosting sites will get in trouble for illegal dumping. Big Government will have to step in and sick the EPA on the blog hosting sites. New regulations will ensue.Prices for the Blog septic service will rise as the market shrinks and then the rich and powerful top 1% of bloggers will have cornered the market...the rich and powerful with there Quality and proper grammer and punctuation;and blogs that dont stink, so no risk in violating EPA standards.

 One day we the downtrodden might all have to go back to keeping this crap inside. I hope you found this nugget, this mental corn, at least somewhat entertaining

 Thank you for your time , Mark Burkenbine

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.