Saturday, October 15, 2022

 The punchline is there. 

Wait for it...

It's quite cathartic , you know?

The posting of all this bullshit. 

You should see the other blog...


 When I decided to become a fictional caricature of myself, I should have chosen a more famous me.

That would have made it easier.

Famous people do it to themselves all the time.
When regular people do it
it doesn't sit so well.

and to make yourself a caricature
and be a contrarian
people don't like that

I have created a sort of dramatic anti-comedy
and I didn't really create it
it is an amalgamation
of all of society
and what they do on the internet, and social media.
Then I put it in real life situations.

I've actually been doing this my whole life.
Before the internet existed.

I am just showing you what I see happening.
What everyday people are actually doing and posting.

I am an actor, like everyone else I've ever met.
Ok. I'm not like everybody else.
(I noticed it, and called people on it.)
The Society of Everybody will not take kindly to me claiming to be one of them.

I was once called a Troll, by someone I respected. I honestly didn't know I was, or what it even meant.

Now, I think that insult was correct.

I wear it as a badge of honor.
I am a different kind of Troll.
I do not just complain. I try not to insult.
If asked, I have actual suggestions to remedy the problem.
If I am wrong, I apologize.
I am not trying to enrage.
Quite the opposite.
I just disagree.
Or, worse yet, I see through your shit.
When you see through someones shit, that is usually when you get called names.
When you see through someone else's shit, you are no longer a troll.
You are Correct.
Now, you are in a situation.

Friday, October 14, 2022

It's difficult to admit this...

 but I am not a member of any cult that I know of.

I know a lot of people who are, but don't know it, though. 

Tricks of Language

 A flood is not always water. 

Watch out for metaphors in historical text.

Interpretations are often subjective and sometimes purposely misleading.

My Theory of This Everything.

 Questions make this whole realm of Everything go around. 

Answers mean nothing more than a means to birth more questions. 

Any answer can be truthful at the moment it was said, or anytime in the past, or the future.

It can also be wrong/untruthful at any given time.

Adding that up = All answers are actually questions in disguise.


It Takes All Kinds to make an Everything.

Trying to control a place of belief, that is inhabited by a living language that found a way to propagate its way to immortality by the use of questions... is futile. But some try, by offering "answers" where none exist. 

Control freaks are an unfortunate but necessary part of the ecosystem of the Everything we live in. Everything is a necessary part of the ecosystem.

Fools are those that seek answers as a be all and end all to unsolvable issues. There is no solution. There are only more questions. Everything is constantly changing because it is literally a living question.

As always

To Be Continued- The art of continuing something that has no beginning and no end, but it may just stop. (it's very lifelike.)

I began my education in 1968, and it will end when I do.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

That vacuous feeling is the energy being sucked out of the room

 Nobody wants to crush your Hope. 

Hope keeps you right where you are.

Crushing Ambition is where the money is.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 Tune in for tomorrow's less than desired post.

It crosses my mind...

 You think

I am weak. 


That is a bold move

for someone that does not know 

what strength is. 


Strength is a curse. 

If you do not understand it, 

it will find you. 

No Good Strong Man 

wishes it on another. 

It is the duty of the strong

to protect those that aren't. 

All the strong good men

want the others

 to just live a good, calm, happy life. 

Strength has a price...

You see, writing on the internet 

has a way of leading people on. 

They can't tell 

what is what

It has no boundaries

like normal stories

I have even avoided punctuation

Readers identify

readers don't identify

or they don't even read.

 It takes quite a leap

to grasp what I do

on my part, as well as yours

but I do understand a few things

and I get it completely

that my reader 

may not get what i am doing

and I honestly

do not give a damn. 

It does however

boggle my mind

when people spend time 

to watch or listen to something

that they don't like

and then complain about it. 

You can shut it off, you know. 

You can change a channel. 

There is a LOT of content out there. 

Read a book? 

Bitch about that for awhile. 

Maybe you will feel better about yourself.

Maybe you will try to connect a few syllables

and communicate at a higher level

If you think I am strong

you are wrong

about that too

Staying in Character

 Been telling people for 10+ years, the internet is being used to train the "Artificial Intelligence."

No such thing as artificial intelligence. You either have it or you don't.
We feed the machine.

Fuck with it, every chance you get.

Monday, October 10, 2022

 The feeling is often mutual.

Swimming in the deep end.

 Contrarian means High Functioning Troll. 

High Functioning Troll behavior means you may not understand how you have been, or are being,  slighted.

Examples exist every time you look at social media, any news program, or observe everything around you. 

Many times, the Higher Functioning Trolls are just trying to help you see a bigger picture, but it often involves being "butt hurt."  Most people won't willingly put themselves through that. Some learn to relax and enjoy it. The learning, I mean. 

Next, we take a glimpse at 5D chess, often played by High Functioning Trolls.


 "We fed the machine" should be an epitaph used en masse.

A clue as to what happened.

Another Post That Should Be On The Other Blog

 Manifestations. No Where is a place. When you pull things out of No Where and put them Here, maybe you turn Here into No Where.

Trying to be a better Ghost.

 Spent a few days with a few of the Grand kids. Actually watched my son bowl for awhile. Saw a few old acquaintances that I will most likely never see again. 

Also remembered exactly why the fact that I can't bowl anymore is a good thing. 

Everybody gets to where they are going.

Everybody goes as far as they can.

I am on a road less traveled. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.