Saturday, September 5, 2020

Simulation Woo Woo

 If this is a simulation, does that imply our lives, and deaths, mean nothing? 

If that is the case, does that mean there are people here that KNOW this and treat others as such? 

Link below

A World of Author Untimely  ...with spelling errors as an extra prize

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 Enough patter about people and events. 

Let us get back to ideas. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Mistakes along the way....

 I am so blind. Can't focus looking at a computer screen anymore. I love making my doodles and refrigerator art on the old Paint, but windows 10 version sucks for me. Amy just found out the old Paint runs in the background, so I started messing around with it again.  I made it through two rough drafts, and I am done. Cannot see the screen, already.   This happened to me in school. I was taking online classes, and they made Ebooks mandatory, and I couldn't see them, let alone retain anything. 

It is hard enough to type and doodle with the right hand, the day is coming when I have to actually paint and write left handed. 

I have written some stories that I wanted to illustrate myself, in my own simple way.  This is going to take awhile. 

Sharing my mistakes along the way.,,,,,

Ekleipsis? I like it.

 I'm not even going to edit this. It is raining, and I will try to get some projects done. September, 2020. Seven years.   

Lately, several things have rolled under the bed and the stove. Once my fat body with bad knees hits the ground, I have to figure out how to get up. 

I was telling my wife, if I had a grappling gun like Batman, it would help considerably. If I had roller skates AND the grappling gun, I could get off the couch much faster to help her as needed. I would also like the skates to be retractable, though. I will need a stick to push the button on the shoe. 

She said this system is getting complicated. 

I said I am really having a hard time getting off the floor. If you threw a shovelful of dirt on me, i'd just close my eyes and take a peaceful nap. 

I don't expect it to be easy. 


My wife almost threw the rice bag away. 

I said we should keep it. 

I just saw it in the closet, and I have to tell you, I'm almost 53 and feel good knowing there is some sturdy burlap handy for just such an emergency. 

Soon, I will be organizing screws and bolts in coffee cans and mason jars...

For the Delorean.


It's like I am the only one who, on a bad night, cuddles up on the couch with an adult beverage, cheese and crackers, and watches as many White House Correspondents Dinners on YouTube as I can until I pass out.


Not feeling close to my elected officials right now. I'm sure it's something I have done. I have not corresponded by letter in 52 years. 


Dream...being chased by demon...others also with me? ..says I had my ten years, 3 chances...and I hid again....he catches me, laughs, and says do it again and i felt something move in my heart, like he touched it, and I woke up with my hand on my wifes back.....she immediately sits up, holds my hand,  looks at me and says that means  I have a secret.  Then she goes back to sleep and remembers nothing. 

So, I am awake at 3 am again. 


Funny isn't funny anymore when the mood changes even true love can be challenged by a deal breaker moment atmosphere can change when you are seen in a different light nobody is immune


Remember when celebrities only tried to influence you subliminally with the content of their art? Good times....good times...#DirectorsMedium


im Gaffigan can say anything he wants. Everyone is free to speak. Everyone is free to choose who to listen to and where to spend their money and where they can type an opinion and what can be put in their bodies and what they want to believe


Maybe the world did end in 2012. How would we know?


Couldn't put on my socks yesterday, could barely put on shorts today. Just realized I waddle around with that same look as the dog had when she realized she couldn't walk. I am NOT going for a ride today, no matter how much cheese I am offered. #itis


If there were giants a mile high, would we feel the need to scurry across their bodies while they were sleeping? Would we bite them & cause a rash? Splatter ourselves on their windshields? Are we unknowingly party to such activity? Would we gather in mass & wipe out said giants?


I used to ride the bus with a Nesara Gesara. Didn't have a care in the world.


The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.