Friday, April 3, 2020

Painful Truth

Where one sees Hell
another sees Utopia

And vise versa 

I hope with all my love 
Life never explains this
Understanding is irreversible 
Ignorance is bliss

But take a look around

The rabbit hole
 is always close by
Truths always hide 
in plain sight

Where they are least likely 
To be found

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Constant Harping from the Cheap Seats

You have to imagine what it's like for the powerful Elite...providing the herd with the best life conditions in history, but the complaining never stops. No pat on the back. No positive reinforcement. Just knowing they did their best

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Coronavirus 2 Step

Hello. I'm Mark Burkenbine.   Today, my wife and I drove 30 miles for her Doctor's appointment, got some groceries and found no toilet paper in four stores. Drove the 30 miles back and as I'm unloading supplies, I look over and another tenant pulls a large pack of toilet paper from her vehicle.  Looking back, I was probably rude when I yelled, HEY, WHERE'D YOU GET THAT?  but she politely told me, and I said WHEN?  and she says this morning.  I think I said THANK YOU but I'm not sure. I'm just a useless eater, I guess it shows in times of crisis.  I took off for said box store, and there it was...not my normal brand, but not 1 ply either.  I grabbed my allotted 1 and raced for the front, hoping I could call relatives to buy the remaining 15 packs...but I heard at least a dozen people say HE HAS, or, IS THAT... TOILET  PAPER...and knew they couldn't get into town fast enough. I felt bad for my family, but I have to tell you....dragging the megapack of TP to the apartment is the closest I'll ever be to the feeling of dragging an Elk back to the tribe....or maybe it's a harbinger of things to come.  #HungryLikeTheWolf

Monday, March 30, 2020

The King Returneth

I am sole heir to the thrown of The Island of Misfit Toys.  It's  kind of like Aragorn in LOTR Return of the King, except I have owies cause I'm broken.

Sunday, March 29, 2020


One persons gamble is another persons cost of doing business. 

Confidence is a fickle thing...

Ergo Ego

I am grappling with how to put this in to words.  It is an update to a previously published opinion I had, about when people call someone "unprofessional" or "negative".   All they are doing is trying to shut down opposing opinion. Minimalize. No discussion allowed, no matter how cordial. I have always viewed this as weak minded, while the brain behind the ruling thinks it is strong.   Maybe it has an upper hand, power wise, but it will only grow to a certain level.

There is no difference between this and a grammar Nazi that fully understood what you were communicating, but had to point out your errors.  Communication is about understanding the message.  If you got the message and complain about spelling errors, you are now nitpicking and condescending. 

I have been labeled a shit poster, a shit starter, and so on, even before social media.  I have even been called a troll.   In my defense, I do not use profanity in a rebuttal. I listen to responses. I have praised opponents for their skills. I have listened and admitted I am wrong.  I can be convinced.  I am just curious beyond belief and a voracious reader. Opinion fascinates me. 

Lord knows....I have done wrong and gone to my limits to improve myself, and continue to push that boundary, even as cognitive function declines through age, and with the 'help' of my various debilitating medications. 

So, I read, and I type. 

I was once kicked off LinkedIn. I did what I do, and provided a contrarian view.  It was pro Monsanto and anti social justice warrior.    I did not even believe what I wrote, but it was proper rebuttal to a weak argument.  And I was gone.....

Now, I am on a 3 day partial suspension from a social media site that allows depravity of all levels on their site.  They say I violated their rules, but there is no example.    I must only take from it that I am not in line with their politics or I have stepped on the toes of their signature accounts.   

I am not a gnat to be swatted away.   I have something many do not. 

When I type, my voice carries. This will not be forgotten. ( That was the EGO of a man that doesn't want to have to have one) 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.