Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Food for thought.

That explains a lot. 

That awkward moment...

When you are next in the drive thru  line
and the sky goes dark, temperature drops
And wind comes from behind,  shaking your car
Tornadoes could pop up anywhere
But chicken fried steak meal for $2.49 Is today's special, and probably not going to the store
And that lady 3 cars back is terrified , her face is red....and she's not leaving either.
Once you place that order...You are obligated.
Mark Burkenbine
Kansas. 2018
#Tornado #Weather

People come here for the Weather

I'm from central Kansas. This time of year is our busy tourist season. You can always tell who the newbies  are...pulling over to take pictures of our latest prize winning crop of  tornadoes. Jim Cantore has a spring home nearby, next to a trailer park. Trailer parks are like fishing lures for tornadoes

#Tornado #Weather

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Trying to succeed with no persuasion technique, part 87.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.