So you have to survive
Swimming in the filth
To reach the prize
A Silent Radio Show created by Mark Burkenbine. Warning: Author suffers from occasional bouts of mental & financially crippling honesty. Dress appropriately & wear the old boots when strolling through this pasture. Copyright Mark Burkenbine 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017,2018.2019,2020,2021, 2022,2023,2024(occasional shared youtube video.I hold no rights unless I created it.) An attempt at the surreal edge of fiction, reality, truth, lies, quality & bullshit. Imagine music playing
So you have to survive
Swimming in the filth
To reach the prize
What if the few with an inner dialogue are the actual NPC's ?
It is so hot, somebody is going to say to someone that we could fry eggs on the dash or the sidewalk.
It's disgusting. I hate eating eggs on a hot day. Can we fry bacon or ham? Maybe pineapple? Or maybe, just maybe, have a cold sandwich with an iced beverage and quit making a mess of the dash or sidewalk...
in this day of dis ease,
is it still ok to offer a bottle of water to someone working in this heat?
There are still people being taught that profanity is a sign of lower intelligence.
Thinking like this is setting a pretty low bar just to make you feel better about yourself.
I am finding it difficult to type in my radio voice today. Pardon me for my unprofessionality.
A dream....a child I believe to be me hands me a says HELP ME ESCAPE...I say I can...we go through several doors to several rooms....I drop the child off at its destination.....he screams NOOOOO.....I say I CAN ONLY TAKE YOU TO WHERE YOU ARE GOING--GET SMARTER. LEARN HOW TO INTERPRET A I walk away to my mindcastle mumbling about how inferior my younger self is. I am sure it will get me back by doing something both amazing and stupid.
Another story that usually goes to
I knew a long time ago that this project has ended in the future. That is how the future can effect/affect/impact the past and the now.
No shortage of control freaks and folks who think they are good people.
Those that think they did the right thing for the good of the people.
A hundred years after I am gone, that deviation will continue to be an infestation, even if there are no people. When technology took over...a person made the decision.
Ages ago, there was one pattern in bowling. It was called 'Throw Ball..Adjust Accordingly'. And a candy bar was only 50 cents.
As I get older, I realize I never met a grown man or woman under the age of 30.
First example of this is, I have also never told this to anyone under 30 that did not get overly offended by it.
It is funny what society will tell kids to make them think they are adults.
You are a grown up can go to war. You can do as you are told.
I could go on and on....but comedians have picked the idea apart for years. The drinking age, college loans, and such. Send the young to protect the old ways...ensuring there are no new ways...
It is not a blanket situation. I am getting old, but not sure society would define me as what it considers an adult...unless it wants something from me. A few youngsters are quite good at adulting.
Societal demands.
I remember when a mosquito bite would later feel like electrocution, as the pain shot from joint to scars from head to toe. I probably couldn't survive that feeling these days.
You gotta have faith faith faith.
I look down the road of any town, and I see the people, buildings and street signs. Then I feel the invisible magic fence of abstract concepts...the rules, laws, suggestions and advice of Federal, State, local governments, and religions.
Everything is based on belief. If you believe it, it manifests. It becomes. It be life.
The abstract becomes more real than concrete. More real than ourselves. As long as enough people believe. Society itself is a faith based religion. Things go sideways real quick when belief takes a holiday. Watch the news.
Wouldn't it be interesting if math and physics and science in general worked off of belief? Your theory, under the right circumstances, gets the right belief injections, and the universe makes the magic numbers work.
Boy, you wouldn't teach anyone else how to do that, would you?
Damn teenagers with their perfect posture and obvious ability to not break a hip if they fall which they probably won't
You are going to find this hard to believe, but I probably don't agree with your politics, your religion (including what passes for science these days), what you think is funny, or what a good movie is. Despite that, I sincerely hope you have a good evening with your family.
When they removed my dermoid, they wouldn't let me see it or confirm that it had teeth, hair and eyes. They say it is gone, but the dreams say otherwise. I digress. Feed your absorbed twin ice cream, and buy it presents. Ask it about its politics.
Taking twitter too personally today. The loss of the language of old and the absorbed twin is just too much to bear
Coffee is not my friend.
Ah, that day you realize your shit don't work...but you do it anyway not because it's all you know how to do, but because it is you. Owning it.
I forgot about the time I was sent to do a job and couldn't cuz of the goats.
Can't you FEEL that?
Those of you
Waiting for an Awakening
Those of you...not
All the same
You don't know
What you forgot
Laws of subtraction
On a grand scale
Information you sought
Intuition felt
Not bought
Would you know it
Would you know it
If it byt you on the face
Would you know
The best thing
that ever happened
The look. the feel
The smell the taste
Some so empty
Some so full
Some with so much
room to grow
Another day in the life of your favorite neighborhood pseudo-
World War One flying ace
Indie folk superstar
Charismatic internet personality
-The charade continues
Note to self.
When making jokes about my dermoid twin being removed, and the doc not confirming if it had teeth, eyes and hair, or not...(fiction...they said it was a lipoma...but did not entertain my questions)
do not follow up by saying the reason they don't like to do sonograms too early is because you might think you have twins, and later find out it lost the cage match with the survivor.
You may be wondering why life isn't always peaceful...we win a war just to get born.
Never met a person that did not know something pertinent that I did not.
Of course, that doesn't mean it is always worth the time lost to find out what that situation is.
4 AM. Great time for me to write...ruins the rest of the day.
The only way my wife has put up with me this long is I am up early, she sleeps in.
Among all my other issues,
seems like I have a gum abscess.
Oh well. I will chomp on a toe of garlic and it will be juuust fiiiinnnnnne.
Seems like I have a lot of things like that appearing all willy nilly.
Really? There is an incorrect way to spell nilly?
How can I trust spell check when it tells me my own last name is spelled wrong?
Ah, Hot coffee and peanut butter toast. Bet that will make the old enlarged heart skip a few times when I go for the morning walk. (makes you feel alive)
Hoping my avid reader has a good day. I figure there has to be one of you.
To Hell with everybody else.
Sorry. That was the coffee. I am a grumpy fuck. Miss the grandkids. Getting old. Falling apart, and very aware that my shit is wearing thin on everyone.
My shit is wearing thin. Quite the saying. It is an idiom unless you have colon cancer.
Being a natural contrarian has made me enjoy solitude.
Seeing multiple sides of everything makes me say things that I may not even agree with...but I take the hit and try to plant seeds, hoping to open up a viewpoint. People hate that.
There is safety in self identifying as a fictional character.
There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated. It's perfect.