Saturday, August 12, 2023

Stasis is an illusion.

 Nothing is just a lot of important things moving really slow compared to everything else.

It's very hard to maintain. 

Captains Log: Star Date 08/12/2023 (or so they tell us)

 The world is undergoing an I.Q. Test and is failing miserably. 

Look seriously at all technological advancements throughout time. 

There is a pattern. 

The selling point overshadows the eventual loss of freedom. 

We the people happily pay for the means of own incarceration. 

When you look at the gears of the machine, 

you realize the better mousetrap

is the one the mouse doesn't even know it's in. 

Whoever designed that mousetrap

 was only making a smaller version 

of the trap it was already in. 

Big Fish in a little pond. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

A political sentence

Soon, right and wrong will be the only thing left. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.