Saturday, March 5, 2022

Not even a legend in my own mind...

 I've been doing my mental farewell tour for the last several years, stopping by old bowling centers that I won tournaments in. 

There is no fanfare. No pictures. No social media. 

Just memories of the center, the workers, the other contestants, the food, smells, sounds and the trips themselves.

If the centers don't exist anymore, did any of it happen? 


Doing spring cleaning in the mind castle as I prepare for retirement and living there full time. 


Thoughts guarded. Always. Have to watch my mouth. 


Never say anything interesting to someone who didn't ask anything thoughtful or just doesn't give a damn about you and yours. Just give them drivel. It is a way of sharing your mutual disrespect. Even better if they just think you are an idiot.


When I leave a room, the sunshine and happiness are leaving with me. It is just how it works. Deal with it.


Not my best post. Not the worst. Read on, if you dare.

 You poor, misguided fools.

.rof gnikool era uoy eman emas eth fo draziw tneicna eth ton ylbaborp ma I

Sunday, February 27, 2022

What day is it, really?

 Yesterday, my wife said it was Friday, but I told her it was Saturday. To be honest, I checked my phone for clarification after I said that.

I'm not even a believer in this Time stuff. Who am I to correct someone when it comes to their faith?

If we lost all ways to track "Time", would we live forever, free of the trap, or would we go mad from withdrawal symptoms?  

We are such control freaks, subjugated by the concept of Time.

Time is probably not The Good Guy.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.