Sunday, March 12, 2017


 Reimagining a life for better A recital.

to throw some change into my hat for future projects

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--Mark Burkenbine

Bowling Gnome

"It's on these windy days that I realize I need to invest in a higher quality zip tie to hold my car together," says the poet who bowls.  After all, this IS a vow of poverty.  The Bowling Gnome rolls on, shakily.

Reimagining a life for better.  A poetry recital of sorts, by Mark Burkenbine. 

My Own Personal Surreality

Good morning to the stray souls who wander into my blog space on this cold March morning.
I am enjoying my Fresh Hot Coffee and peanut butter toast. You know who isn't enjoying it? Everybody on the first two floors of my building. You see, toast sets off the smoke alarms in this place. Did I mention that my 6 45 am toast is on Daylight Savings Time, and we lost an hour?

 I wander through my own personal surreality and the ultra sensitive smoke alarm fits in well. I set it off once with no toast in a new toaster.  It's perfect, really.  The wake up alarm on the phone is a harmonica doing something like the beginning of 'Your momma don't dance' ...It is a great tune to snap you out of whatever dream you are having.  Since I am a perpetual victim of night terrors (and here you thought I am just a carrier) I like a sudden, peppy tune to pull me away from whatever demon is tearing my soul apart at the time.   Then my mind instantly does the 'take a walk on the wild side' deal, I compose myself, hopefully remember to get dressed, unlock the doors and do my other required duties. The dog wakes up my wife momentarily to let her know the smoke alarm went off, and she ignores it and goes back to sleep.

Today's thoughts and ideas are a touch esoteric. I like that word.

The coming technology onslaught is going to catch the entire world off guard as robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (Marketing word. There is nothing artificial about intelligence. You either have it or you don't.)  basically make us all the obsolete mouth breathers and abusers of resources that the 'Elite' have claimed we were all along.  The reason this will make the masses out of sorts is they are used to having the curtain slowly pulled back as the 'new' is carefully brought in, so as to disrupt as little as possible.  We are at the end of that road.  Intelligence increases exponentially.

None of this is new, or fictional. Over time, I wonder what else has been exponential.  Population growth, and its waste? I have another one.  Lies. The lies of Mankind, starting as one, and reaching critical mass in leaps and bounds until it  all smacks into the present that always masquerades as the future.

Also, that demon in my dreams. Maybe there is a reason I have watched it tear me apart, watched it eat me, as I lie there with my eyes open, unable to speak or move. To be honest, I am not sure I am even breathing while in this state.  Maybe, I am the bad dream it was cursed with. Maybe, I am the one that can do this endlessly until I find the way to win.

So let us refresh.  Prisons can be, and are, anything and everything. Sex, and pizza, are always pretty good. Our brains tell us the sky is blue, not our eyes and We all battle our own unseen demons.

do dodo dodo da da da da do dodo dodo da da da da da daaaaaaa

Mark Burkenbine
copyright 2017

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.